
moony adj.(moonier; -iest) 月亮的;月狀的...


Remus was not an animagus ; he was a werewolf ; it was his monthly transformation into a wolf that earned him the nickname “ moony “ and provided the impetus for the others to become animagi 萊姆斯并非阿尼馬格斯,而是一個狼人,正是他每月一次變身為狼的事實讓他擁有了“月亮臉”的外號并促成了其他三個人成為阿尼馬格斯。

Well madam , we ' ll make in this world to convince a woman that even a bargain cost moony 這世上困難的工作之一,是說服女人相信:盡管是特價品也得花錢。

“ messrs . moony , wormtail , padfoot , and prongs “月亮臉蟲尾巴大腳板和尖頭叉子先生

“ messrs . moony , wormtail , padfoot and prongs 月亮臉蟲尾巴大腳板和尖頭叉子

“ messrs . moony , wormtail , padfoot and prongs . . 月亮臉、蟲尾巴、大腳板和尖頭叉子