
moonstruck adj.發狂的,神經錯亂的。


When cher won an oscar for her role in “ moonstruck , “ she received a lot of flack for showering her makeup artist , hairdresser , and assistant with thanks , while failing to mention her co - stars or director 配角因為搭配優秀而獲獎,而不是因為哭得一團糟。憑借電影moonstruck獲獎發表感言后聲名遠揚,因為她感謝了化妝師,發型師和助理卻沒提合作明星和導演。

Among cage s best - known films are “ moonstruck , “ wild at heart , “ honeymoon in vegas , “ peggy sue got married , “ vampire s kiss , “ raising arizona , “ valley girl “ and “ birdy . 尼古拉斯凱奇1964年1月7日出生于美國加州,本姓科波拉,是以教父和現代啟示錄等片聞名于世的大導演科波拉的侄子。

And there appear to be at least some moonstruck people in china li told reporters that he had received more than 400telephone orders in the past few days 在中國,確實有一些想入非非的人,李捷告訴記者說,在過去幾天中,他已經接到400多個訂購電話。

And there appear to be at least some moonstruck people in china li told reporters that he had received more than 400 telephone orders in the past few days 在中國,確實有一些想入非非的人,李捷告訴記者說在過去幾天中他已經接到400多個定購電話。

Prepare to be moonstruck 準備接受月神之擊