
moonstone 【礦物】月長石。


Snowflake obsidian has white spots against the black that resemble snowflakes , which is due to bubbles or crystal inclusions . some obsidian displays a strong iridescence and some have a sheen from within , similar to the sheen of moonstone 也有可能是全部單色或有條紋或有斑點,最有名的是有彩虹閃光的彩虹黑曜巖rainbow obsidian ,并且有些。

We also recommend the addition of moonstone to hold the jurisdiction tone which is associated with boundaries ; as well as pyrite which is associated with the tones of hope 我們也建議加入月亮石來持有和界域有關的權限音調,同時加入黃鐵礦來持有希望音調。

Is it coincidence or is it the moonstone ' s bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening 這是一種巧合還是月亮寶石的厄運使得那天晚上發生了緊張而奇異的情況嗎?

Is it coincidence or is it the moonstone ' s bad luck that causes tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening 是一種巧合還是月亮寶石的惡運導致生日晚宴的緊張和奇怪事情發生的呢?

Moonstone : absorbs pain and illness . regenerates the tissues and organs . heals reproductive system . 4th chakra 月長石:吸收疾病和痛苦。使組織和器官再生,有助于再生系統。用于第四個穴位。

The novel the moonstone is set in england in 1848 , but the story really began 50 years earlier 《月亮寶石》這部小說是以1848年的英國為背景的,但是故事真正開始是在此之前的50年。

I would either remove the moonstone and add a different item , or make it much much much more effective 我會刪除月之石,然后添加一個別的東西,或者把它變得比現在更. . . . .有用。

As for the moonstone , i have heared that it has somehow returned to its home in india , … 至于月亮寶石,我聽說不知怎么已經返回到它的家鄉- - -印度。

The deity commanded that the moonstone should be watched , … by three priests in turn 這位神囑咐他們, …月亮寶石必須由三位僧侶輪流看守。

Beauty of moonlight and fancy color from moonstone 變彩之奇的月光石

Here we were, then, at a dead-lock about miss rachel--and at a dead-lock about the moonstone . 這一來,我們在雷茜兒小姐的身上就探聽不出什么名堂來,在月亮寶石的問題上也得不到什么結果。

Yes! after the lapse of eight centuries, the moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city . 是呀!經歷了八個世紀的歲月,月亮寶石再度照耀著這座圣城的城墻。

The moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city in which its story first began . 月亮寶石再度照耀著這座圣城的城墻了,它的故事就是在這城里開場的。

The deity commanded that the moonstone should be watched, …by three priests in turn . 這位神囑咐他們,…月亮寶石必須由三位僧侶輪流看守。

He was more than surprised when mr. godfrey produced the moonstone . 等到高孚利先生拿出月亮寶石時,他嚇得不得了。