
moonshine n. 月光;荒唐的空想[計劃],夢話;〔美俚〕走私酒。2...


I m as good as two of such ! look here here s at ee ! to tess s horror the dark queen began stripping off the bodice of her gown - which for the added reason of its ridiculed condition she was only too glad to be free of - till she had bared her plump neck , shoulders , and arms to the moonshine , under which they looked as luminous and beautiful as some praxitelean creation , in their possession of the faultless rotundities of a lusty country girl 使苔絲嚇了一跳的是, “黑桃皇后”開始脫她的上身衣服真正的原因是弄臟的上衣引人發笑,她正樂意借故把它脫掉她在月光下脫得露出了渾圓的脖子肩膀和胳膊,因為她是一個農村姑娘,在朦朧的月色里,她的脖子肩膀和胳膊光亮美麗豐滿圓潤和完美無缺,就像蒲拉克西蒂利創造的某些作品一樣。

When she came back , she had a hundred things to tell ? ? but the finest thing , she said , was to lie in the moonshine on a sand - bank in the quiet sea , and to look at the neighboring coast , with the large town , where the lights twinkled like a hundred stars , and to hear the music and the noise and clamour of carriages and men , to see the many church steeples , and to hear the sound of the bells 當她回來的時候,她有無數的事情要講;不過她說,最美的事情是當海上風平浪靜的時候,在月光底下躺在一個沙灘上面,緊貼著海岸凝望那大城市里亮得像無數星星似的燈光,靜聽音樂、鬧聲、以及馬車和人的聲音,觀看教堂的圓塔和尖塔,傾聽叮當的鐘聲。

I need you to pick up a keg of thunderbrew lager from grimbooze thunderbrew in the westfall hills , a cask of merlot from stormwind , a bottle of moonshine from darkshire and a skin of sweet rum from goldshire 我希望你能從住在西部荒野的葛瑞姆?雷酒那里搞一桶雷霆啤酒,從暴風城搞一桶葡萄酒,從夜色鎮搞一瓶月光酒,還有還有,再從閃金鎮搞一袋蜂蜜酒來。

At last i came right down upon the borders of the clearing . the western end was already steeped in moonshine ; the rest , and the block - house itself , still lay in a black shadow , chequered with long , silvery streaks of light 空地的西緣已沐浴在月光下,其它包括木屋在內的部分,還籠罩在黑影中,但也被一道道銀色月光穿透,像是黑白相間的棋盤。

Caption : : sunlight shine on earth by the reflection of moon is not little , moonshine can bring brightness in the dark , in the photo , the cloud is illumined by the moon 月球所反射到地球上的太陽光絕對不能少看,月亮的光芒能為黑夜帶來光明,照亮大地,圖中是月夜下受月照下的云海。

The lesson taught by the crash and the great depression was that the glorious dream of a self - regulating economy , free of government intervention and supervision , was moonshine 股市大崩潰與經濟大蕭條給予的教訓是,免于政府干預與監督的自動調節經濟的美好夢想是不切實際的空談。

On nights with moonshine or mild cloud cover , the telescope instead uses a pair of spectrographs to obtain spectra , and therefore redshifts , of 608 objects at a time 而在有月光或薄云的夜晚,望遠鏡則利用一對攝譜儀攝取光譜,可同時測定608個物體的紅移。

Mar . 23 . warm . moonshine and stars . in this familiar while strange city , looking for a strange but familiar person helplessly 3月23日天氣日漸溫暖,晚上有月亮,也有星星。在這個熟悉又陌生的城市中,無助的尋找一個陌生又熟悉的身影。

Much of the alcohol consumed in sri lanka is moonshine . also popular are spirits such as arrack , made from coconut pulp and tree sap 斯里蘭卡消費的酒類,大多屬于私造的烈酒。由椰子果肉與樹液制成的燒酒等烈酒也很受歡迎。

“ finding moonshine ” is full of insight into the nature of symmetry and the people who study it . it makes for a fascinating and absorbing read 《尋找月光》充滿了對對稱的本質和其研究者的真知灼見。令人著迷而不忍釋卷。

Moon , indeed ! moonshine , more likely ! if one listened to that sort of people , a pretty sort of time one would keep 至于路路通對于自己的經歷,他只承認是在橫濱的一個煙館里吸大煙吸醉了。

To my amazement , there was a small piece of whiteness , shining softly like the mercury , even without moonshine 我甚是奇怪,沒有月光的小院里,卻有一塊小小的白色,水銀般柔和地亮著。

The sky looks ever so deep when you lay down on your back in the moonshine ; i never knowed it before 在月光下,躺著望天,才發現天這么幽深,這是我從前所不知道的。

Bathed in the moonshine . a dainty jasmine . surreptitiously issuing fragrance 月光下。一朵小小的茉莉花。在悄悄地。香。

It ' s like moonshine . - oh , so that ' s gaelic for “ goats nut . 就像走私酒-哦,就像蓋爾人所說的“山羊睪丸”

- it ' s like moonshine . - oh , so that ' s gaelic for “ goats nut . -就像走私酒-哦,就像蓋爾人所說的“山羊睪丸”

Moon , indeed ! moonshine , more likely 路路通說, “嘿!

He has a speech with moonshine 他發表了一通荒唐的空談。

We sat quietly in the moonshine 我們在月光下靜靜地坐著。