
moonset 月落(時)。


During the event , the moon will become slightly dimmer only . the penumbral eclipse will occur between 5 : 21 a . m . and 10 : 13 a . m . hong kong time and last for about 4 hours and 52 minutes . however , since the time of moonset in hong kong on that day is 6 : 37 a . m . , the penumbral eclipse will only be observable for around 1 hour and 16 minutes 雖然這次月食由香港時間上午五時二十一分開始到上午十時十三分結束,整個過程約為四小時五十二分,但由于香港當日月落時間為上午六時三十七分,所以在香港觀看到的半影月食只會維持一小時十六分鐘左右。

Residents of east asia saw the eclipse cut short by moonset , while those in the eastern parts of north and south america had the moon already partially or totally eclipsed by the time it rose over the horizon in the evening 東亞的居民在看見月蝕的時候月亮已經快要下山了,而相反住在美洲東南部或者東北部的居民在月亮升起的時候月蝕就已經經歷了一段時間了。

Weather permitting , the penumbral eclipse can be observed by local residents for a short time interval before the moonset that morning 若天氣情況許可,香港市民可在清晨月落前短暫時間觀賞到此天象。