
moonrise 月出(時)。


During the event , the moon will become only slightly dimmer . the penumbral eclipse will occur between 3 . 50 pm and 8 pm hong kong time and last for around four hours . however , since the time of moonrise in hong kong on that day is 6 . 46 pm , the penumbral eclipse will be visible only for around 1 hour and 14 minutes 雖然這次月食由香港時間下午三時五十分開始到下午八時零分結束,整個過程約為四小時,但由于香港當日月出時間為下午六時四十六分,所以在香港觀看到的半影月食只會維持一小時十四分鐘左右。

The service provides information in cantonese , putonghua and english , including various weather forecasts , warnings in force , latest regional weather information , yesterdays weather and radiation level , information on sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset and tide , hong kong standard time , weather information of major cities , etc . the public can also request weather forecasts , information sheets on weather warning systems , daily weather maps , tropical cyclone tracks and climatological information of hong kong , etc by fax through the service 市民可以使用音頻電話致電187 8200打電話問天氣服務,以互動形式選擇以廣東話普通話或英語收聽各種天氣預報,正在生效的警告各區最新天氣資料昨天天氣及輻射水平資料潮汐資料香港標準時間日出日落及月出月落時間世界各大城市天氣資料等。市民亦可透過該系統,以傳真索取各種天氣預報天氣警告的宣傳單張天氣圖熱帶氣旋路徑圖和香港氣候資料等。

The service provides information in cantonese , putonghua and english , including various weather forecasts , warnings in force , latest regional weather information , yesterday s weather and radiation level , information on sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset and tide , hong kong standard time , weather information of major cities , etc . the public can also request weather forecasts , information sheets on weather warning systems , daily weather maps , tropical cyclone tracks and climatological information of hong kong , etc by fax through the service 市民可以使用音頻電話致電1878200打電話問天氣服務,以互動形式選擇以廣東話、普通話或英語收聽各種天氣預報,正在生效的警告、各區最新天氣資料、昨天天氣及輻射水平資料、潮汐資料、香港標準時間、日出日落及月出月落時間、世界各大城市天氣資料等。市民亦可透過該系統,以傳真索取各種天氣預報、天氣警告的宣傳單張、天氣圖、熱帶氣旋路徑圖和香港氣候資料等。

I was sheepishly retreating also ; but mr . rochester followed me , and when we reached the wicket , he said - turn back : on so lovely a night it is a shame to sit in the house ; and surely no one can wish to go to bed while sunset is thus at meeting with moonrise 可是羅切斯特先生跟著我,到了邊門,他說: “回來,這么可愛的夜晚,坐在屋子里多可惜。在日落與月出相逢的時刻,肯定是沒有誰愿意去睡覺的。 ”

In this summer , joining our night safari in mai po nature reserve , you are not only can appreciate beautiful sunset moonrise in hong kong at the same time , but also explore the animals night lifestyle 并于夜深時份,探索紅樹林及淡水基圍內的夜行動物,如:黑眶蟾蜍飾紋姬蛙豹貓及螢火蟲等。

A penumbral eclipse of the moon will occur on sunday , 24 april 2005 . weather permitting , the penumbral eclipse can be observed by local residents after moonrise that evening 二零零五年四月二十四日(星期日)將會出現一次半影月食。若天氣情況許可,香港市民可在黃昏月出后觀賞到此天象。

A penumbral eclipse of the moon will occur on april 24 ( sunday ) . weather permitting , the penumbral eclipse can be observed by local residents after moonrise that evening 二五年四月二十四日(星期日)將會出現一次半影月食。若天氣情況許可,香港市民可在黃昏月出后觀賞到此天象。

This bilingual booklet contains the traditional chinese calendar and times of daily sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset , high and low tides , arranged on a month - by - month basis 該年歷是中、英對照及按月編排,內附中國傳統農歷、日出日落、月出月落,以及潮汐漲退的時間。

This bilingual booklet contains the traditional chinese calendar and times of daily sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset , high and low tides , arranged month by month 此年歷是中、英對照及按月編排,內附中國傳統農歷、日出日落、月出月落,以及潮汐漲退的時間。

This bilingual booklet contains the traditional chinese calendar and times of daily sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset , high and low tides , arranged month by month 此年歷中、英對照及按月編排,內附中國傳統農歷、日出日落、月出月落,以及潮汐漲退的時間。

This bilingual booklet contains the traditional chinese calendar and times of daily sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset , high and low tides , arranged month by month 此年歷中英對照及按月編排,內附中國傳統農歷日出日落月出月落,以及潮汐漲退的時間。

Times of moonrise , transit and moonset during mid - autumn festival 2004 ( 20 september 2004 ) hko contributes to determination of co - ordinated universal time ( 17 september 2004 ) 二四年中秋節期間月出、月上中天及月落時間( 2004年9月20日)

So when it was good and dark i slid out from shore before moonrise and paddled over to the illinois bank - about a quarter of a mile 所以天黑盡的時候,我趁著月亮還沒有上來,便劃離岸邊,找到了伊利諾斯州岸邊大致有四分之一英里那么一段路。

Summer is a man with his coat off , wet sand between your toes , the smell of a garden an hour before moonrise 夏日是赤裸著上身的男人,是浸入你腳趾間的濕露露的沙子,夏日還是朝陽初升前一小時的那花園里的清香味。

Besides , like my label depicts , there are few sights more beautiful in napa valley than the moonrise over hillside vineyards 另外,酒標上所示滿月升起于山坡的葡萄園上是納帕谷最迷人的景色之。

When we got back , it was after moonrise : a pony , which we knew to be the surgeon s , was standing at the garden door 回校時,己經是明月高掛。一匹我們知道是外科醫生騎的小馬,呆在花園門口。

Times of moonrise , transit and moonset during the mid - autumn festival period in year 2005 ( 6 september 2005 ) 二零零五年中秋節期間月出、月上中天及月落時間( 2005年9月6日)

Times of moonrise , transit and moonset during the mid - autumn festival period in year 2005 6 september 2005 二零零五年中秋節期間月出、月上中天及月落時間( 2005年9月6日)

Times of moonrise , transit and moonset during the mid - autumn ( 29 august 2003 ) 二零零三年中秋節期間月出、月上中天及月落時間( 2003年8月29日)