
moonlit adj.照著月亮的,有月亮的,月明的。


Of course , this particular redemption melodrama has room for several elaborate fights , as huo ' s self - destructive streak expresses itself through particularly literal means : in one stunning battle , li and chen zhihui lay waste to an elaborate , multi - story tavern in a moonlit challenge 當然,這部特殊的拯救情景劇給幾場精心安排的打斗提供了空間,正如霍自身的自損性格通過最直接的方式來表達:在一場令人瞠目結舌的搏斗中,李連杰跟陳智慧就在月夜挑戰時候把一棟漂亮的三層酒樓給拆毀了。

Oh , i had forgotten celine ! well , to resume . when i saw my charmer thus come in accompanied by a cavalier , i seemed to hear a hiss , and the green snake of jealousy , rising on undulating coils from the moonlit balcony , glided within my waistcoat , and ate its way in two minutes to my heart s core 當我看見那個把我弄得神瑰顛倒的女人,由一個好獻殷勤的男人陪著進來時,我似乎聽到了一陣嘶嘶聲,綠色的妒嫉之蛇,從月光照耀下的陽臺上呼地竄了出來,盤成了高低起伏的圈圈,鉆進了我的背心,兩分鐘后一直咬嚙到了我的內心深處。

Albert had already made seven or eight similar excursions to the colosseum , while his less favored companion trod for the first time in his life the classic ground forming the monument of flavius vespasian ; and , to his credit be it spoken , his mind , even amid the glib loquacity of the guides , was duly and deeply touched with awe and enthusiastic admiration of all he saw ; and certainly no adequate notion of these stupendous ruins can be formed save by such as have visited them , and more especially by moonlight , at which time the vast proportions of the building appear twice as large when viewed by the mysterious beams of a southern moonlit sky , whose rays are sufficiently clear and vivid to light the horizon with a glow equal to the soft twilight of an eastern clime 弗蘭茲已經到斗獸場來夜游過十多次了,而他的同伴卻是第一次光顧維斯派森大帝的這個古跡,平心而論,雖然那兩個向導口若懸河地在他的耳邊喋喋不休,他的腦子里還是留下了很強烈的印象。事實上,要不是親眼目睹,誰都想象不到一個廢墟竟會這樣莊嚴宏偉,歐洲南部的月光和東方的落日余輝有著異曲同工之妙,在這種神秘的月光之下,廢墟的各部分看來似乎都擴大了一倍。弗蘭茲在廢墟的內廊底下走了一百步左右,懷古之情便油然而生,于是他離開了阿爾貝,反正那兩個向導總會照他們的老規矩,領他去看關獅子的洞,斗猩力士的休息室和凱撒大帝的包廂的。

Steichen ' s 42cm by 40cm photograph , from the collection of the wealthy american industrialist howard gilman , is a dreamy , moonlit landscape with reflections of trees in a pond . as an image it is rather beautiful , bearing the impressionistic quality of early photography ; an experiment exploring the limits of the photographic plate 作為斯泰肯早期風景攝影中的經典之作,池塘月光細膩的層次感與攝影家對色彩與光澤的精妙把握,充分證明了攝影可以像油畫一樣傳遞出豐富的情緒和內涵。

As they crept along , stooping low to discern the plant , a soft yellow gleam was reflected from the buttercups into their shaded faces , giving them an elfish , moonlit aspect , though the sun was pouring upon their backs in all the strength of noon . angel clare , who communistically stuck to his rule of taking part with the rest in everything , glanced up now and then 他們一路搜索的時候,腰彎得低低的,以便看得見地上的蒜苗,陽光照射在毛茛上,從上面反射出來的柔和的黃色光線投射在他們背朝陽光的臉上,使他們看上去有些像在月光照射下的虛無縹緲的樣子,盡管此時的太陽正在用中午的全部力量把光線照射在他們的背上。

This time , as the distance was short , i did not mount , but ran with dogger s stirrup - leather to the lodge gates , and the long , leafless , moonlit avenue to where the white line of the hall buildings looked on either hand on great old gardens here mr dance dismounted , and , taking me along with him was admitted at a word into the house 這次,由于路程短,我沒有上馬,只是拉著道格爾的馬鐙帶子跑向側面,走上那條長長的沒有樹葉蔭蔽的浴著月光的林蔭道。那兒通向一排兩邊都看得見古老的大花園的白色宅第。在大宅子門前,丹斯先生下了馬,帶著我一道,立刻被請進了屋里。

It was they that were out of harmony with the actual world , not she . walking among the sleeping birds in the hedges , watching the skipping rabbits on a moonlit warren , or standing under a pheasant - laden bough , she looked upon herself as a figure of guilt intruding into the haunts of innocence 她在鳥兒熟睡的樹籬中漫游的時候,看見野兔在月光下的草地上蹦來跳去,或者,她在野雞棲息的樹枝下站著的時候,她都把自己看成是一個罪惡的化身,被人侵犯了清白的領域。

The previous record for a photograph at auction , 1 , 248 , 000 , was set in november by richard prince ' s “ untitled cowboy “ . steichen ' s 42cm by 40cm photograph , from the collection of the wealthy american industrialist howard gilman , is a dreamy , moonlit landscape with reflections of trees in a pond 據英國衛報2月15日報道, 14日在索思比舉行的拍賣會上,斯泰肯的這幅池塘月光以290萬美元的天價創下了新的世界紀錄,此前的世界紀錄是理查德普林斯的無題

On this splendid moonlit night , we gather together shanghai located on the coast of eastern ocean . let me , on behalf of the chinese government and people , extend a warm welcome to my friends who have come to take part in “ ' 99 fortune global forum , which is sponsored by time warner group inc 在這月明中秋的良宵,我們在東海之濱的上海歡聚一堂,我代表中國政府和人民,向前來參加時代華納集團舉辦的“ ' 99 《財富》全球論壇”活動的朋友們,表示熱烈的歡迎。

On this splendid moonlit night in mid autumn . we get together at the east seashore of shanghai . let me , on behalf of the chinese government and people , extend a warm welcome to companions who take part in the ' 99 fortune global forum , which is sponsored by time warner group inc 在這月明中秋的良宵,我們在東海之濱的上海歡聚一堂,我代表中國政府和人民,向前來參加時代華納集團舉辦的“ ' 99 《財富》全球論壇”活動的朋友們,表示熱烈的歡迎。

There in the middle of the moonlit valley below them stood the “ ha nted “ house , utterly isolated , its fences gone long ago , rank weeds smothering the very doorsteps , the chimney crumbled to ruin , the window - sashes vacant , a corner of the roof caved in 在他們下面的山谷中間,那間“鬼屋” ,孤零零地立在月光底下,圍墻早就沒有了,遍地雜草叢生,臺階半掩,煙囪傾坍,窗框空空蕩蕩,屋頂一個犄角也塌掉了。

He had , in fact , ridden quite at random for over an hour , taking any turning that came to hand in order to prolong companionship with her , and giving far more attention to tess s moonlit person than to any wayside object 實際上,他已經騎著馬隨意走了一個多小時,見彎就拐,一心只想把苔絲陪著他的時間延長,他注意的也只是苔絲暴露在月光下的形體,而對路邊的一切物體視而不見。

Silhouetted against the moonlit sky , the peaks turn into a group of images as discribed as “ a pair of hugged lovers “ , “ a rhino looking at the moon “ etc . yet , these images can only be perceived at some certain spots or from some appointed angles 郁盤,繞出一方如夢如幻的勝境。靈峰的峰崖叉最會做態,所謂“移步換形” ,尤其是在月夜,會令人生出許多綺思。

But the children become the heroes of an even greater story , when peter pan flies into their nursery one night and leads them over moonlit rooftops through a galaxy of stars and to the lush jungles of neverland 仙子巧遇三位小朋友,溫蒂約翰及米高,并賦予他們飛天的能力,他們本來可以在夢幻島開心地嬉戲玩樂,豈料無惡不作的鐵船長及其一眾海盜前來大肆破壞。

The final program was a grand chorus by all the participants , “ the moon speaks for my heart , “ expressing the hope that they can one day celebrate the moon festival with master on a moonlit night in hsihu 最后,全體大合唱月亮代表我的心,藉著歌聲傳達將來能與師父媽咪聚西湖共度中秋團圓夜的心愿,然后大家踏著月光,在皎潔的月色下盡興而歸。

“ that was the happiest birthday of my for while we were resting between dances richard took me outside into the cool , moonlit night , and there , under the stars , he told me he loved me and asked me to marry him 那是我一生中最快樂的一個生日,因為理查德在跳舞間歇將我領到外面清涼的月光中,在點點繁星之下對我傾訴愛慕之情,并向我求婚。

The thornbush stared up at the moonlit sky , waiting for the warmth of dawn . its tiny flowers huddled together against the cold . finally the little bush drifted off to sleep 有一棵荊棘樹仰視著月光清亮的天空,等待著清晨的溫暖。它身上細小的花朵為了怕冷而擠在一起。終于這棵小樹輕輕地墜入了夢鄉。

Thanks to you all for being there ! the atmosphere was very special , even in the cold wind . our music and our loving friendship mingled beautifully under the moonlit sky 謝謝參與的每一位!雖然當天非常的冷,不過當天的氣氛很特別。我們的音樂和我們的友誼讓這個月光下的場景融合在一起。

Situated on the banks of river yamuna , the shrine is largely made of white marble that reflects the changes of colour visible during sunset and clear , moonlit nights 這座坐落在亞穆納河岸邊的陵墓主要由白色大理石建成,在日落的黃昏和月光皎潔的夜晚,大理石能夠折射出變幻的顏色。