
moonlighting (月光團圓的)夜襲;月光下的活動;身兼兩個職業的人。


Take down our romance with bright moonlight 讓純潔的月光譜寫我們的羅曼史。

Lifting my head to look , i found that it was moonlight 舉起頭我發現它是月光

I ' d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is 我都快忘了這月色有多美

She used to moonlight as a singer at a nightclub 她過去在夜總會兼職做歌手。

My heart guided by the moonlight . iongs to be with you 月光帶著我心飛向遙遠的你

I feel the enchantment of the moonlight on the lake 我感受到湖上月光的迷人之處。

Out for a little walk in the moonlight , are we ? 和我一樣在月光下出來散步,是嗎?

Moonlight shoots through a round hole in the hull 月光在船身中透過一個圓的洞

The trees threw long shadows in the moonlight 在月光下,樹木投出了長長的影子。

. . . i ' d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is 我都快忘了這月色有多美

Have you ever walked in the quiet silver moonlight 你曾經走在銀色的月光下么?

The trees threw long shadows in the moonlight 在月光下面,樹木投出了長長的影子。

Out for a little walk in the moonlight , are we 和我一樣在月光下出來散步,是嗎?

She moonlights as a waitress to pay her tuition 她靠兼職做女侍應生來支付學費。

In order to enjoy the good harvest moonlight , all family members join together to eat a “ family reunion dinner “ with reunion wine , and reunion moon cake . 為了欣賞這明亮的月光,全家人聚集一堂吃團圓飯,團圓酒和團圓餅。

She glanced round at the house: it looked shut and dark and stuffy, under that wide streaming moonlight . 她望望這屋子的四面;在那如水的月光下,那屋子看上去是緊閉的,漆黑的,窒悶的。

The fog seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air . 這霧好象把月亮的光懸在半空,使它比起在晴朗的空氣里,更顯得到處彌漫。

Lying in the bed with the moonlight streaming dimly over her, she pictured the whole scene in her mind . 她躺在床上,月光朦朧,撒滿全身,她把全部的情景都設想一番。

Humour softened a swindle as moonlight beautified the shapeless streets of the western town . 幽默減輕了欺騙的丑惡,就象月光把西部城鎮橫七豎八的街道美化了一樣。