
mooney n.穆尼〔姓氏〕。


Using smoluchowsky and mooney ' s rheology theory we analyze that without magnetic field 77 will increase as s andv increase ; using the rosensweig ' s formula and hydromechanical theory , we can illustrate that in the magnetic field and the outside temperature being certain , 77 will increase as the magnetic field increase , when the magnetic fluid ' s s and v are determined 在外磁場的作用下,綜合rosensweis公式及流體力學理論很好的解釋了在外界溫度一定時,基液質量百分比濃度s和磁性微粒體積分數人確定的磁性液體,其粘滯系數司隨外磁場的增加而增加的原因。

Base on the mathematic model of load - deflection relationship of the rectangular membrane , micro balloon actuator ' s theory curve of pressure - deflection has been calculated and plotted . after the simplified geometric model of microactuator was set up , by utilizing ansys mooney - rivlin hyperelastic model , nonlinear structural distortion of silicone rubber can be solved 通過建立氣泡薄膜的幾何簡化模型,針對硅酮橡膠的材料非線性特點,選用了適合橡膠類材料的mooney - rivlin超彈性模型,運用ansys軟件對這一非線性結構變形進行了求解。

Three propositions are proposed based the vector base network . cognition of human being and vector base cognition model are compared , the corresponding connection is created . 7 ) the application for rubber mixing process is given : abnormal modeling samples first removed , svm is applied to build the discharge model to establish the rubber discharge condition , and long term practical production validated the discharge modeling method ; adopting dynamic rkrls and rsvm , mooney time serials is used to model and predict , which shows better prediction ability than rls ; using v 7 )將本文算法在橡膠工業的密煉過程得到實際的應用:在排除異常樣本點的情況下,利用5vm的工業特性,進行排膠點的建模,獲得好的應用效果:利用動態的rkrls和rsvm算法,通過對橡膠棍煉質量的門尼指標進行建模和預測分析,表明算法具有較好的跟蹤預測性能;利用矢量基學習網絡對密煉過程的門尼進行辨識建模和預報,獲得了較好的效果,從而實現了更好的門尼波動的控制。

Servo control computer system / microcomputer universal testing machines , ozone tester , compression flexometer , computer hdt / vicat tester , digital impact tester , melt flow indexer , moving die rheometer , mooney viscometer , lamination of pvc plastic press tester 伺服控制電腦系統微電腦式拉力試驗機,耐臭氧機,橡膠壓縮生熱試驗機,塑料用維卡熱變形,數位沖擊試驗機,塑膠熔體流動速率機,無轉子密閉膜腔硫化儀,門尼黏度試驗機等等。

Rheometer 、 mooney viscometer 、 carbon black dispersion tester 、 tensile strength tester 、 ozone test chamfer 、 plunger / bead unseating tester 、 dynamic testing systems 、 heat generation & flexing fatigue tester , and other rubber and plastic testing instruments 硫化儀、門尼粘度儀、拉力試驗機、外胎強度/胎唇脫圈阻力試驗機、耐臭氧試驗機、疲勞變形發熱試驗機、動態測試分析儀、碳黑分散度儀…等各種橡塑料測試儀器。

“ in a nutshell … the presence of these birds in pine forests increased the growth of the trees by helping to rid them of damaging insects , “ said kailen mooney , an evolutionary biologist at the university of colorado at boulder 簡而言之… …松林里有鳥兒存在,可增加樹木的生長,因為鳥兒幫樹木除掉有害昆蟲,柏德市科羅拉多大學演化生物學家穆尼表示。

Walking slowly through findagrave ' s 1 ) online cemetery , you also come across 2 ) virtual 3 ) gravesites like that of sarah elizabeth green mooney , who died in 1961 at the age of 83 緩慢瀏覽找墳墓網站的線上墓園,你會偶然發現如莎拉慕尼之墓的虛擬墓地,她逝于1961年,享年八十三歲。

Five minutes into the second - half wycombe should have equalised . bloomfield sprinted clear on to mooney ' s pass but sliced his shot badly wide in an excitable moment 下半時的第5分鐘,維康比錯過了扳平的機會,布盧姆菲爾德接穆尼的傳球高速插上射門,但射門質量太差,偏出了球門。

He had a good slice of luck , jack mooney was telling me , over that boxing match myler keogh won again that soldier in the portobello barracks 邁勒基奧在那次拳擊比賽中又擊敗了貝洛港營盤的士兵220 ,所以他賭贏了。

Birds remove harmful species of beetles , caterpillars , ants and aphids from branches , mooney explained , increasing the vigor of trees 穆尼解釋說,鳥兒可以除掉樹枝上有害的甲蟲、毛蟲、螞蟻與蚜蟲,增進樹木的活力。

Rubber , unvulcanized - physical property - part 1 : determination of mooney viscosity and pre - vulcanization characteristics with mooney viscometer 未硫化橡膠.物理特性.第1部分:用穆尼粘度計測定穆尼粘度和預硫化特性

I quaffed the nectarbowl with him this very day , said lenehan . in mooney s en ville and in mooney s sur mer “今天我還和他一道痛飲過美酒哩, ”利內翰說, “城里的穆尼酒館和海濱上的47穆尼酒館。

Fitter for him to go home to the little sleepwalking bitch he married , mooney , the bumbailiff s daughter 還不如回家去找他娶的那個夢游癥患者小個子浪女人呢。就是一名小執行吏的閨女穆尼。

Standard test methods for rubber property - processability of emulsion sbr styrene - butadiene rubber with the mooney viscometer delta mooney 橡膠特性的標準試驗方法.用門尼粘度計測定sbr

The firm would probably employ detectives to watch him - pinkerton men or agents of mooney and boland 酒店很可能會雇用偵探來監視他-平克頓的手下或者穆尼和博蘭偵探所的偵探。

Rubber , unvulcanized - determinations using a shearing - disc viscometer - determination of the mooney stress - relaxation rate 未硫化橡膠.用剪切圓盤型粘度計測定門尼應力松弛率

Testing of rubber and elastomers ; testing with the mooney shearing disk viscometer ; determining the scorching behaviour 橡膠和彈性體的檢驗.第4部分:用莫氏剪盤式粘度計檢驗

Rubber , unvulcanized - determinations using a shearing - disc viscometer - part 1 : determination of mooney viscosity 未硫化橡膠用圓盤剪切粘度計進行測定第1部分:門尼粘度的測定

Standard test methods for rubber - viscosity , stress relaxation , and pre - vulcanization characteristics mooney viscometer 橡膠的標準試驗方法.粘度應力松弛和預硫化特性