
moonbeam (一線)月光。


When i came to the stile , i stopped a minute , looked round and listened , with an idea that a horse s hoofs might ring on the causeway again , and that a rider in a cloak , and a gytrash - like newfoundland dog , might be again apparent : i saw only the hedge and a pollard willow before me , rising up still and straight to meet the moonbeams ; i heard only the faintest waft of wind roaming fitful among the trees round thornfield , a mile distant ; and when i glanced down in the direction of the murmur , my eye , traversing the hall - front , caught a light kindling in a window : it reminded me that i was late , and i hurried on 我路過臺階時駐足片刻,舉目四顧,并靜聽著。心想馬蹄聲會再次在小路上回響,一位身披斗篷的騎手,一條蓋特拉西似的紐芬蘭狗會重新出現在眼前。但我只看到樹籬和面前一棵沒有枝梢的柳樹,靜靜地兀立著,迎接月亮的清輝我只聽到一陣微風,在一英里開外,繞著桑菲爾德府的樹林時起時落當我朝輕風拂拂的方向俯視時,我的目光掃過府樓正面,看到了一個窗戶里亮著燈光,提醒我時候已經不早。

I looked up ; a pale glimmer of moonbeams had alighted on the summit of the spy - glass , and soon after i saw something broad and silvery moving low down behind the trees , and knew the moon had risen 我抬頭一看,蒼白的月光照在望遠鏡山的山峰上。隨后,只見銀盤似的東西從樹叢后很低的地方徐徐升起,是月亮出來了。

Whatever our souls are made of , his and mine are the same ; and linton s is as different as a moonbeam from lightning , or frost from fire 不論我們的靈魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一樣的而林敦的靈魂就如月光和閃電,或者霜和火,完全不同。 ”

And the sunlight clasps the earth , and the moonbeams kiss the sea ; what are all these kissings worth , if thou kiss not me 陽光摟抱著大地,月光輕吻著海波;這般的柔情有什么意義,如果你不吻我?

Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb 有時,一束月光穿過冷雨簌簌帕打在窗欞格柵,撣散絲絲蛛網。

Linton ' s is as different as a moonbeam from lightning , or frost from fire 林??的靈魂就如月光和閃電,或者霜和火,完全不同。

Linton ' s is as different as a moonbeam from lightning , or frost from fire 林?的靈魂就如月光和閃電,或者霜和火,完全不同。

I watch the moonbeams cast a trail 我看月光投一痕跡

Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire . 林的靈魂就如月光和閃電,或者霜和火,完全不同。

The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds . 月光穿過云層縫隙照射下來。