
moon n.1.月,月球,月亮。 ★ 1. 語法上常作女性處理。...

moon age

It seems we are going to embark for the moon . 看樣子我們不久就要乘飛船到月亮上去了。

The moon waxes till it becomes full , and then wanes . 月亮漸盈,直到正圓,然后消虧。

Walking on the moon is one of the wonders of our times . 在月球上漫步是現代奇跡之一。

The late moon arose before the first rooster crowed . 公雞未啼,下弦月已經掛在天邊。

The moon is down and the stars have set . 月落星沉。

Through a break in the clouds the moon lit the sea . 月亮透過云層的空隙照亮了海面。

A sickle moon was in the sky . 彎彎的月亮正懸在空中。

The moon is bright and the stars are few . 月明星稀。

The moon revolves around the earth . 月球繞地球運行。

The moon invariably displays the same face to the earth . 月球的一面永遠向著地球。

A bright moon is shining in the sky . 一輪明月當空照。

The satellite was launched into orbit around the moon . 衛星被射入環繞月球的軌道。

Let me see . oh , they are in a rush to buy moon cakes . 我看看,他們在購買月餅。

They hold their breath, eyes riveted on the moon . 他們屏住呼吸,眼睛緊盯著月亮。

Men have already visited the moon . 人類已經登上了月球。

At last , man has reached the moon . 人類終于到達了月球。

Bruhl had mooned about the house all day . 卜盧先生渾渾沌沌地在屋里捱過了一天。

The moon lay on the gazed snow of the backyard . 月亮照在后院閃閃發光的雪山上。

To look at the moon is to wonder . 觀看月球是令人驚嘆的。