
moody n.穆迪〔姓氏〕。


I am moody at the hospital 我在醫院里心情不好。

Guaranteed notes assigned a2 first - time rating by moody s ; outlook stable 具擔保票據首獲穆迪評為a2級,前景穩定

Yet he could fool the goblet of fire and out - duel mad - eye moody 他不僅騙過了火焰杯,還打敗了身為傲羅的穆迪?

Moody ' s investors services , inc 穆迪投資者服務公司

Local currency : aaa moody s ; aa 標準普爾外國貨幣:

Bloody hell . it ' s mad - eye moody 真要命,是瘋眼漢穆迪

Structured finance is the fastest - growing segment of moody ' s business 結構金融目前是穆迪發展最快的業務。

It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody 他如此喜怒無常,所以很難預知其反應如何。

Joe gastineau ? mr . dark and moody 那個叫喬的郁卒先生

That ' s moody . but then who ' s - 他是穆迪,那么另一個是?

That ' s moody . but then who ' s - ? 他是穆迪,那么另一個是?

What ' s wrong with him ? he ' s so moody 他怎么了?這么憂郁

That ' s moody . but then who ' s - - 他是穆迪,那么另一個是?

This bad press . they are calling you moody , quarrelsome 這些討厭的媒體,說你是魯莽的愛發火的毛頭小子

That ' s moody . but then who ' s - - ? 他是穆迪,那么另一個是?

Moody ' s is one of the largest bond rating agencies in the world 慕迪是全世界最大的債券評等機構之一。

Margret moody from the u . s . is very involved in pu tai hsi 來自美國的穆小珠已經能熟練地操縱布偶了。

Harry is taken to moody ' s office , and is about to be murdered 哈利被送到穆迪的辦公室,即將被殺害。

Professor moody ! - ls that a threat ? 教授! -你在威脅我嗎?