
mooch vi.〔俚語〕鬼鬼祟祟地走(along);打轉兒;蕩來蕩...


Described as the “ mooch artist “ by police , the hungry culprit has struck at some of rome ' s fanciest restaurants - ordering expensive wines , three - course meals and then feigning surprise when the check arrives 據路透社3月14日報道,警方將該婦女描述成一個“揩油藝術家” 。此人專門光顧羅馬城內多家高檔的餐廳。她進門后專門點最昂貴的

It was the typical spectator theory of knowledge , which was mooched by john dewey . the spectator theory of knowledge has prescribed the reception learning as the basic learning style for a long time 于是,緣自古希臘自然哲學家的旁觀者知識觀經蘇格拉底等人的維護使“接受學習”長時間地主導了人類的求知方式(學習方式) 。

If you behave badly , you have nobody to depend on but your parents left to mooch off 如果你行為不正,除了揩你父母的油水外,你沒有任何人可以依賴。

I thinkyou should work , soyou don ' t have to mooch off me for everything 我是覺得你應該去工作,這樣也不用樣樣開銷都跟我要

Those two loonies mooching about 那兩個瘋子到處徘徊。

I'm not going to crawl around mooching discounts, not from nobody . 我才不點頭哈腰,求人家折扣呢,誰都不來!