
moo n.哞〔牛叫聲〕;〔美俚〕牛肉;牛。vi.(牛)哞哞地叫...


A spokesman for south korea ' s president roh moo - hyun tried to dampen the rumours on friday when asked if cash had been paid 周五時候,當問及是否已付贖金時,韓國總統盧武鉉新聞發言人曾試圖辟謠。

Joo jin - moo is a tv and movie actor who has started to play in movies since 1996 . in 1999 , he took his first lead role in 他于1996年開始接拍電影, 1999年在dance dance一片首次擔演男主角一職。

What does south korea ' s president , roh moo - hyun , regard as “ the most important task facing the nation “ at this juncture 在這個節骨眼上,韓國總統盧武鉉把什么看作是“該國面對的首要任務”呢?

A spokesman for south korea ' s president roh moo - hyun tried to dampen the rumours on friday when asked if cash had been paid 韓國盧武鉉總統的一位發言人嘗試對于周五被質問已付現金的事予以遏制。

Mr . abe and south korea president roh moo - hyun spoke by telephone earlier this week and agreed to meet as soon as possible 本周早些時候,韓國總統盧武玄和安培通過電話進行了交談并同意盡早會面。

A spokesman for south korea ' s president roh moo - hyun tried to dampen the rumours on friday when asked if cash had been paid 星期五韓國總統盧武鉉的發言人在被問及是否交付了現金時他設法辟謠。

What does south korea ' s president , roh moo - hyun , regard as “ the most important task facing the nation “ at this juncture 在這個節骨眼上,韓國總統盧武鉉把什麼看作是“該國面對的首要任務”呢?

A spokesman for south korea ' s president roh moo - hyun tried to dampen the rumours on friday when asked if cash had been paid 韓國總統盧武玄得新聞發言人周五辟謠指出支付贖金得傳聞純屬捏造。

Mister abe and south korean president roh moo - hyun spoke by telephone earlier this week and agreed to meet as soon as possible 安倍和南韓的總統這個星期早先已經通過電話并同意盡快見面

Remarks by president bush and president roh moo - hyun of the republic of korea in a photo opportunity , 6102005 布什稱美國和韓國在北韓問題上發出“同一個聲音” , 2005年6月10日

The next day , mr abe will attempt the same with south korea , stopping off in seoul to meet president roh moo - hyun 次日,安倍將抵達韓國,他會在漢城與韓國總統盧武鉉會晤。

The current president , roh moo - hyun , promised to break the power of the chaebols ; he has done nothing 現任總統盧武鉉曾承諾說要摧毀“財閥們”的勢力;但他什么也沒做。

June 10 , 2005 remarks by president bush and president roh moo - hyun of the republic of korea 《美國參考》報導,布什總統6月10日與韓國總統盧武鉉(

Moo now what 怎么了?

[ moo ] now what 怎么了?

Dong - moo , wake up 東? ,醒醒

Where ' s dong - moo 東佑在哪?

Roh moo - hyun ' s peace - prosperity policy and its impact on sino - south korea relations 盧武鉉的和平繁榮政策及其對中韓關系的影響

Na dong - moo , comrade 羅東? ,同志