
monumental adj.紀念碑的;紀念的;巨大的,雄偉的;不朽的,不滅的...


Virginia tech president charles steger said the university was struck with a tragedy that can be considered of monumental proportions 弗吉尼亞理工大學校長查爾斯.斯第格說學校遭遇到了最慘重的悲劇。

They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs , deer , birds , turtles , capybara , caimans , and even jaguars 長到如此大的尺寸,是由于它們可以捕食野豬,鹿,鳥,龜,水豚,凱門鱷甚至美洲虎。

“ the greatest living master of the art of historical writing , with special reference to his monumental work , a history of rome 今世最偉大的纂史巨匠,此點于其巨著羅馬史中表露無疑

Aurora : that ' s so easy for you to say . you ' ve done so many wonderful , monumental things . you ' ve walked on the moon 奧柔拉:你說得倒容易,你做了那么多美好偉大的事,你曾去過月球。

These items range from small pottery vessels for household use to monumental concrete structures like the roman coliseum 使用?圍由家用的小陶瓷制品到如羅馬競技場的紀念性建筑。

The urgency of the situation makes it necessary to reiterate the monumental problems of population growth 狀況的緊迫性使我們有必要重新說明人口增長的重大疑問和疑問和問題。

Monumental sculpture was created alongside social sculpture as being characteristic of the seventies and eighties 七八十年代的雕塑除了是充滿社會性以外,還異常巨大。

“ the artist spent years on his monumental painting , which covered all the walls of the exhibition hall . 那位藝術家耗時數年畫成的巨幅繪畫蓋滿了展覽大廳的四周墻壁。

The urgency of the situation makes it necessary to reiterate the monumental problems of population growth 情況的緊迫性使我們有必要重申人口增長的重大問題。

The artist spent years on his monumental painting , which covered the whole roof of the church 那位藝術家耗時數年畫成的巨幅繪畫蓋滿了教堂的整個天花板。

Formulate and implement sales strategies to reach growth targets in the monumental project market 制定并且執行銷售戰略以達到重大項目市場的增長目標。

Will the three gorges project prove to be a monumental achievement or nothing more than a giant fiasco 三峽工程將成為極大的成功或只是徹底的失敗?

Yo - yo ma , one of the greatest cellists , in bach ' s monumental works for solo cello 馬友友,國際最頂尖的大提琴演奏家之一,精彩演繹巴赫的傳世經典。

The three gorges dam that is being built in china is a monumental engineering project 即將在中國興建的長江三峽水壩將會是一項不朽的工程專案。

The propylaea , the monumental entrance to the sacred area was also constructed in the same period 山門則在作為同一時期進入祭祀區域的入口。

The year since our last autumn reception has witnessed monumental changes in macau 自去年秋天我們的酒會以來,澳門經歷了巨大的變化。

Ferdinand was also disappointed not to hang onto what would have been a monumental 1 - 1 draw 費迪南德同樣對未能保住1 - 1平局感到失望。

Shen chiang both wrote and directed this monumental tale of three entire kingdoms 本片為申江于1972年自編自導的戰國時代歷史武俠片。

During this time , he concentrated more and more on monumental and public works 在這段期間,他更注意紀念碑以及公共建筑。