
monument n.紀念碑,石碑;墓碑;紀念物,紀念像,紀念門,紀念館;...


The antiquities and monuments office heritage museums 古物古跡辦事處(文物及博物館)

Background : a monument for the general coco forest 描述:背景為西沙將軍林紀念碑!

I ' ll build monuments on every island of greece 我要在希臘的每一個島上建造勝利之碑

The fort was declared a monument in 1979 炮臺于1979年列為古跡,供旅客參觀。

Once more my men lay waste to your monuments 我的人又一次損毀了你的紀念碑。

In what context did the monument originally appear 這最初是在什么的背景下出現的?

How clear - cut is the message / meaning of the monument 它的訊息是否明晰清晰?

Legco to debate policy on conservation of monuments 立法會將辯論古跡保護政策

A monument was built to commemorate the victory 為了紀念勝利,建造了一座紀念碑。

The monument is in honor of a scientist 那座紀念碑是為紀念一位科學家而建的。

Experienced docent from the antiquities and monuments office 古物古跡辦事處導賞員

Time and war have devoured many ancient monuments 時間和戰爭毀掉了許多古代石碑。

The monument was built to commemorate the victory 立紀念碑是為了紀念勝利的。

A monument was built to celebrate the victory 人們建造一個紀念碑來慶祝勝利。

Lcq13 : statutory monuments and historical buildings 立法會十三題:古跡及歷史建筑物

So get on down to the town hall and check out the monument 那么就請大家到市政廳

Sdev declares king yin lei as proposed monument 發展局局長宣布景賢里為暫定古跡

This monument was built in honor of soldiers 紀念碑是為了紀念戰士們而修建的。

Between the two buildings stands a monument 在這兩座建筑物之間矗立著一座紀念碑