
monty n.蒙提〔男子名, Montague 的昵稱〕。


Luckily , monty brown was one of those cheap talents that got the call 幸運的是,曼迪布朗是其中的一個接到召喚的廉價天才。

Monty with the assist 蒙提助攻得分!

I iike you too , monty 我也喜歡你,蒙提

Monty , you ' ve always been so solicitous vis - a - vis my nature . you pamper me 蒙蒂,你總是這么清楚我的天性你太驕縱我了

Hey , dan . - hey , monty 你好,丹-好,蒙提

No . - no . uncle monty - -不-不是,蒙蒂叔叔

No . - no . uncle monty - - 不-不是,蒙蒂叔叔…

Yes . i ' ll be staying there for about a monty . then , i ' ll swith back 回來。我在家呆大約一個月左右。然后就回來。

Monty , behave yourself . this is the happiest day of my life 蒙蒂,今天你得給我規矩些這是我一生中最幸福的日子

< i > enjoy quoting monty python and the holy grail . . . < / i > 還有老喜歡角色扮演《巨蟒和圣杯》里面的角色的人…

Causes of monty hall dilemma ' s difficulty 的困難原因探討

Hey , there , iadies . my name is monty 嘿,女士們我叫蒙提

Monty ' s spyglass . i saw the exact same one in dad ' s desk 蒙蒂的那個望遠鏡和爸爸書桌里的那個完全一樣

And monty was by for a visit . he asked to be remembered , of course 蒙蒂也來看過,當然,要我們記得他

Oh , and monty , just so you know , 對了,蒙提可能你還不知道

Don ' t become an asshole iike monty 不要變成蒙提那樣的混蛋

Hello , sir . my name is monty . this is my trainee , mitch 您好先生,我的名字是蒙提這是我的徒弟,米奇

Oh , you and monty were crazy iast night . - yeah , it was cool 昨晚你和蒙提簡直是瘋了-是啊,真爽

Hello , monty . how are you , old cocker 喂,你好嗎,老伙計?