
montserrat n.蒙特塞拉特島〔美洲〕。


The dutchman promptly sent a fax to both national football associations enquiring if they would be prepared to stage a decider , and suggesting the match be played in butans captial thimphu on 30th june 2002 , the same day as the world cup final in yokohama . where on earth is bhuttan montserrat ? the other final is first feature length debut by johan kramer Matthijs忽發奇想,發信給當地球會來一場友誼之波地點:喜瑪拉雅山下的天然球場日期:二零零二年日本世界杯總決賽那天導演約翰克萊默便是連續七年被archive評為全球排名第一,來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的創意廣告公司kesselskramer的幕后主腦。

From volcanic eruptions on the caribbean island of montserrat and trembling fault lines in turkey , to storms ripping through the notorious “ tornado alley “ of america s midwest , modern - day disasters from around the globe are witnessed in eye - popping enormity on the giant screen 經歷加勒比海蒙特塞拉特島的火山爆發土耳其的斷層地震,以至肆虐美國中西部的卷風,觀眾可在巨大的半球型銀幕下,目睹這些災難,感受大自然隱藏著的無比大力量。

Matthijs de jongh , an advertising consultant with a doctorate in communications , discovered from the internet that , of the 203 countries listed , the bottom two places were occupied by the kingdom of bhutan in himalayas and the caribbean island of montserrat 荷蘭人matthijs從網頁中發現二百零三個國家中,安穩世界杯國家隊排名榜榜尾的國家分別有位于喜瑪拉雅山的不丹王國和蒙特塞拉德島的加勒比島。

He is currently executive director of the worldwide unesco foundation - education for children in need , which he helped to initiate . dr berstecher is a german citizen . mrs montserrat riquelme torres 作為聯合國教科文組織education for children in need基金會協助成立人之一,目前擔任該會執行主席, dieter berstecher先生是德國公民。

Montserrat riquelme torres has been involved in charity programmes for children in need for more than 15 years , primarily in spain , the uk , the dominican republic and latin america Montserrat riquelme torres女士參與面向處于困難境地的兒童的慈善行動已有15年之久,主要活動于西班牙英國多米尼加共和國及拉丁美洲。

However , according to british archaeologist dominic montserrat , curses that protect the remains of ancient egyptians are simply an invention of storywriters 然而根據英國考古學家多米尼克?蒙瑟雷特的說法,保護古埃及人遺骸的詛咒只是小說家的一個創造。

From a distance , montserrat ' s capital city , plymouth , reveals little of the damage caused by eruptions of the nearby soufriere hills volcano 遠遠看去,蒙特塞拉特島的首府普利茅斯旁邊的索芙萊火山爆發并沒有給它帶來多少傷害。

According to dominic montserrat , however , there was nothing unusual about carnarvon ' s death , since he was in poor health anyway 然而根據多米尼克?蒙瑟雷特的說法,卡納文的死并無異常之處,因為他的健康狀況一直欠佳。

For hundreds of years , a volcano called soufriere hills on the caribbean island of montserrat was dormant but it erupted in 1995 加勒比海蒙特塞拉特島上的索菲拉火山,沉睡了數百年后,于1995年爆發。

Montserrat has found that the idea of a curse was created 180 years ago by novelist jane loudon 蒙瑟雷特發現這種詛咒的構想是小說家簡?勞敦在180年前創作的。

Montserrat actually sees the discovery of the tomb as beneficial to king tut ' s soul 蒙瑟雷特認為,陵墓的發現其實對塔特王的靈魂有益。

Megan ' s arrival on montserrat was both welcoming and initially uneventful 梅根到蒙特塞拉特后受到歡迎,最初也平安無事。