
monthly adj.每月的;每月一次的;按月的。 monthly p...


Monthly pay need to pay two month deposit 所有月付客戶均需支付兩個月的按金。

Prepare journal vouchers to support monthly closing 準備傳票以支持月度結帳。

No , the monthly payment for a private financing 不是,要交每個月的私人融資了

9 luck cycles plus pre - luck cycle annual monthly luck pillars 九個大運及起運前的

Comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour 生產小時每月成本比較表

Review and submit daily / weekly / monthly report 檢查和提交每日、周、月工作匯報

Prepare monthly expense budget spending report 制定月度成本預算與實際支出報告。

Developing loan business based on monthly payment for housing 論發展住房按揭貸款

Distribution of 2005 graduates by gross monthly income 平均每月入息所有畢業生

Monthly total value of sales of goods , by type 按類別劃分的每月銷貨價值總額。

Last year , what was the monthly average baptisms 去年每個月平均的洗禮數是多少?

His boss told him to be present at the monthly meeting 他的老板要求他參加月會。

Making your investment through regular monthly contributions , 透過月供投資計劃,

The top ten list is updated on a monthly basis 十大暢銷刊物名單每月更新一次。

Receive fixed monthly guaranteed education allowances 收取每月定額的保證教育津貼

Season info with 24 jie and qi annual and monthly flystar 流年流月飛星及男女命卦

I get paid for piece work10 , not on a monthly wage 我掙的是計件工資,不是月薪。

Monthly print volume of up to 2 million impressions -平均每月印量最高為200萬印

Monthly print volume of up to 3 million impressions -平均每月印量最高為300萬印