
month n.(歲月的)月;一個月的時間。 a calendar ...


We get our pay on the 6th of every month .. 我們每月6日開支。

Eggs are scarce and expensive this month . 本月蛋缺貨且價昂。

I shall write to you again at the end of the month . 我月底給你再寫一封信。

The house has stood empty for months . 那所房子空了幾個月了。

By the end of the month , we will be well away . 到本月底我們就很有成績了。

Her divorce case comes up next month . 她的離婚案件下月審理。

Demand for fish this month exceeds supply . 本月份魚供不應求。

This was a few months before mary's death . 這是在瑪麗去世之前幾個月的事。

The play will tour the provinces next month . 該劇將于下月在各地巡回演出。

Three months have passed since we started to try this out . 試行已閱三月。

The rush at the end of the month is just over . 繁忙的月終工作已告一段落。

He was laid aside six months by an accident . 他因事故已停止工作六個月了。

He has taken unpaid leave for a month . 他請了一個月的停薪假。

Demand is slack over the summer months . 夏季的幾個月市場滯銷。

The house lets for 100 dollars a month . 這所房子月租一百元。

All this happened six short months ago ! 這一切,都發生在短短六個月之前。

The ship is provisioned for two months . 該船備有兩個月的給養。

The false peace lasted one month . 這種虛假的和平延續了一個月。

I shall be hard put to it to pay my bills this month . 我這個月難以付帳。