
montgomery n.蒙哥馬利〔姓氏〕。


Meeting a new boss a : good morning , mr . montgomery . i ' ve been sent over from purchasing to fill in for clare williams 見新老板a :早上好,蒙格瑪利先生。我是從采購部調來接替克萊爾?威謙姆斯的。

It is part of the montgomery county department of health and human servicesoffice of minority and multicultural health 她部分隸屬于蒙哥馬利郡健康與人類服務部弱勢族裔和多元文化健康辦公室。

Montgomery has been read and loved by a wide range of readers all over the world 自出版至今,小說一直深受不同年代、不同國別、不同階層和年齡的讀者的喜愛,已成為舉世公認的文學經典作品之一。

Aahi has identified the programs and projects listed above as priorities among the asian american community in montgomery county Aahi將上述計畫和專案列為蒙哥馬利郡亞裔美國社區的優先重點。

Price series that can be obtained from private sources such as railroad freight rates and montgomery ward ' s catalogues 任何得自私藏之叢書,如鐵路運費費率及蒙哥馬利華德公司的商品型錄等。

I drove to alton in hampshire to see field marshal lord montgomery at isington mill , his little country home 我驅車前往漢普郡的奧爾頓,去陸軍元帥蒙哥馬利勛爵在艾辛頓米爾的鄉間小宅探望他。

Asking for a client ' s information a : when would you like me to send those plans over to your office , mr . montgomery 詢問客戶資料a :您要我什么時候把這些計劃送到您的辦公室,蒙哥馬利先生?

Montgomery : the wool pile is probably from about 3 , 000 to 6 , 000 fibres to square centimetre ? that ' s an approximation 蒙特綱莫瑞博士:羊毛密度至少達到每平方厘米3000至6000根才算合格。

Montgomery was well known in the army for his habit of making bets , though he was not doing it for big money 打賭已成為蒙哥馬利的習慣,在軍中是有名的。當然,他倒不是想通過打賭發大財。

She is responsible for coordinating outreach , education and cancer screening services for montgomery county asian residents 她負責協調蒙哥馬利郡亞裔居民的聯外計畫教育和癌癥篩檢服務。

Within 48 hours of sending the e - mail to 14 friends , michelle montgomery declared her social experiment a success 在向14名友人寄發電郵后48小時內,蜜雪兒蒙哥馬利的社交實驗宣告成功。

“ i have often told him so , “ mrs . montgomery exclaimed , more unreservedly than she had yet spoken “我常常這樣對他講, ”蒙哥馬利太太說,這句話比她在此以前所說的話都要爽快。

A : good morning , mr . montgomery . i ' ve been sent over from purchasing to fill in for clare williams 見新老板a :早上好,蒙格瑪利先生。我是從采購部調來接替克萊爾?威謙姆斯的。

The aacp is the first health program in montgomery county to specifically target the asian american community Aacp是蒙哥馬利郡第一個針對亞裔美國人社區進行的健康計畫。

A : good morning , mr . montgomery . i ' ve been sent over from purchasing to fill in for clare williams 早上好,蒙哥瑪利先生。我是從采購部凋過來接替克萊爾。威廉姆斯的。

Good morning , mr . montgomery . i ' ve been sent over from purchasing to fill in for clare williams 早上好,蒙哥瑪利先生。我是從采購部凋過來接替克萊爾。威廉姆斯的。

All right then , ms . montgomery . i ' ll get those plans over to your office by thursday afternoon 好的,蒙哥瑪利女士。我會在周四下午前把這些計劃送到您辦公室的。

When would you like me to send those plans over to your office , mr . montgomery 詢問客戶資料a :您要我什么時候把這些計劃送到您的辦公室,蒙哥馬利先生?

Amonasro , king of ethiopia : jukka rasilainen brian montgomery messenger : alex tam david quah 埃塞俄比亞國王阿莫納斯羅:祖卡賴斯拉倫/孟浩文