
montfort n.蒙特福特〔姓氏〕。


While the king henry and prince edward were keep in prison , simon de montfort summoned in 1265 the great council to meet at westminster which developed later into the lords and the commons known as a parliament 1265年當亨利三世國王和愛德華王子被關入監獄,西蒙德孟福爾在威斯敏斯特召集大議會,大議會發展到后來演變為議會,分為上議院和下議院。

While the king henry and rince edward were keep in prison , simon de montfort summoned in 1265 the great council to meet at westminster which developed later into the lords and the commons known as a parliament 1265年當亨利三世國王和愛德華王子被關入監獄,西蒙德孟福爾在威斯敏斯特召集大議會,大議會發展到后來演變為議會,分為上議院和下議院。