
montevideo n.蒙得維的亞〔烏拉圭首都〕。


With the help of a local convenient method practitioner , the working group found a wonderful venue in el ateneo de montevideo , a renowned cultural institution . the conference hall faced a famous plaza that is frequented daily by large throngs of people , many of whom showed great interest in our flyers and read them on the spot 由于當地一位方便法同修協助在蒙特維多的艾爾阿田內歐el ateneo找到一個相當理想的禮堂,弘法工作人員因此得以在此地圓滿地完成一場成功的弘法講座。

On saturday , the venezuelan leader will speak at an “ anti - imperialist “ rally in a soccer stadium in buenos aires , argentina , about 40 miles from montevideo , uruguay , where bush will hold talks with president tabare vazquez 背景同上,請問紅字部分指的是不是上句中的那個布宜諾斯埃利斯球場離烏拉圭首都40英里,我覺得太不可思議了,一個國家的首都離別的國家只有四十英里

The 19 - year - old , who impressed in the apertura tournament by scoring 13 goals and leading danubio montevideo to victory , has admitted that he is flattered with the milan and juve links 19歲的卡瓦尼在春季聯賽中射進了13個進球帶領著達奴比奧走向勝利,他已經承認,對和米蘭和尤文聯系在一起感到高興

All games were played in three stadiums in montevideo and , as expected , the south american countries dominated , although the european teams did not disgrace themselves 所有比賽均在蒙得維的亞三個露天大型運動場舉行,正如人們所預料的那樣, (在比賽中)南美國家占絕對優勢,但歐洲隊也沒丟臉。

Ana ines trapp graduated in communication from the university of montevideo , uruguay , where she worked as a book reviewer for el observador 安娜.伊內斯.特拉普畢業于烏拉圭蒙得維的亞大學的傳媒系,并在該國以圖書評論員的身份為《觀察家》工作。

A few days before , a fellow initiate from argentina arrived in montevideo and began to distribute flyers and posters promoting the event 講座前幾天,一位阿根廷同修專程趕來此地先進行弘法準備工作,幫忙分發間準備和張貼海報。

In montevideo , uruguay win the first football world cup 1930年的今天,烏拉圭在蒙得維的亞奪得首屆世界杯的大力神杯。

The world cup began in montevideo , uruguay , in 1930 1930年,足球世界杯始于烏拉圭的蒙得維的亞。