
montesquieu Montesquieu, Charles 孟德斯鳩〔16...


But only in the concrete circumstance did the contradictions among the values appear completely . so the legislator ' s task is to reflect the relations among the values according to “ the spirit of the laws “ and to deal with the contradictions among the values by several means . montesquieu specially emphasized that legislator should , according to the “ spirit of moderation “ , deal with these contradictions in concrete circumstances 而價值沖突只有在具體的情境當中才會充分顯現出來,因此立法者的任務是在“法的精神”中去考察各種價值之間的關系,并在此基礎上,采取以下幾種方式處理價值沖突:一、給價值排序,賦予自然法至高無上的地位;二、限定自然法的范圍,給其它價值留出空間;三、在適當的時候,進行調和與決擇。

No , the real thing is that to nikolay , said pierre , thoughts and ideas are an amusement , almost a pastime . here hes forming a library and has made it a rule not to buy a new book till he has read through the last he has boughtsismondi and rousseau and montesquieu , pierre added with a smile 比如,在收藏圖書方面他訂下了一條規則,不把買來的書西斯蒙第盧梭孟德斯鳩的作品讀完,決不再買新書, ”皮埃爾含笑補充說。

In this dissertation , by means of historical and logical way , an analysis is made of the constitutional government theory by means of montesquieu ’ s use for reference of locker ’ s theory of constitutional government and his development to it 本文著力運用歷史和邏輯的方法,從孟德斯鳩對洛克憲政思想的借鑒與發展的視角,對其憲政思想作以系統的梳理和剖析。

Chapter one expounds the source of kant ' s political philosophy , mainly about the theory of natural law and contract of society of modern age , about the political philosophy of hobbes ^ locke > montesquieu and rousseau 第一章闡述了康德政治哲學的思想淵源,主要是近代自然法理論和社會契約論,以及霍布斯、洛克、孟德斯鳩、盧梭的政治哲學。

This dissertation tries to understand the contradiction in the philosophical tradition of montesquieu and indicates that the contradiction is also relative to the problems with which montesquieu dealed 本文力圖將這一理性與經驗的沖突置于孟德斯鳩所處的哲學傳統中去理解,并指出其與孟德斯鳩所處理的問題本身也有很大關聯。

Scholars , generally , believe that montesquieu ' s theory of power separation is the continuation and development of locke ' s decentralization thought , but they give a few , even few , mentioning to their difference 論者一般認為孟德斯鳩的三權分立理論是葉洛克分權思想的繼承和發揚,但是對二者的差異卻很少提及或一筆代過。

Montesquieu described 18th - century britain as a republic in the guise of a monarchy , because the elite was happy to swap one royal family for another whenever it suited them ( as in 1688 and 1714 ) 孟德斯鳩將18世紀的英國描述成君主制度虛飾下的共和政體,因為政治精英們樂于更換王室以滿足自身利益(如1688年和1714年) 。

She is now reading for both a master degree in banking , finance and trading and a “ magist re ” degree in international economics and finance at the university of montesquieu bordeaux , france 2005年至現在,就讀法國孟得斯鳩-波耳多大學,攻讀雙碩士學位:銀行金融貿易碩士和國際經濟金融碩士。

Constitutionalism plays an important role in the west modern political life . the contemporary representatives of constitutional government are locker in u . k . and montesquieu in france 憲政是近代以來西方政治生活的重要組成部分,近代憲政思想的主要代表人物是英國的洛克和法國的孟德斯鳩。

In my view , montesquieu ' s intention fell on the supreme status of the legislator finally . because the legislator ' s task is just to deal with the problems of contradictions among values 在筆者看來,孟德斯鳩的意圖最終指向了立法者的無上地位,因為處理價值問題正是立法者的任務。

The latent purpose that montesquieu tried to keep the tension between the reason and the experience is to keep counterpoise among the values 而孟德斯鳩之所以試圖在理性與經驗之間保持某種張力,其潛在目的是為了保持價值之間的平衡。

When montesquieu visited venice the “ new science “ was recommended but there is no evidence that he either read or acquired the work 孟德斯鳩訪問威尼斯時,有人推薦過《新科學》 ,至于他是否讀過或有過這本書,則缺乏足資證明的依據。

Locke and montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the west 摘要洛克和孟德斯鳩分別是近代西方分權理論的首倡者和集大成者。

“ the english are busy ; they don ' t have time to be polite ” ( montesquieu ) “英國人很忙;他們無暇去顧及禮貌” (孟德斯鳩) 。

Rule by law : the basic spirit of montesquieu ' s thought of system of government 孟德斯鳩政體思想的基本精神

Montesquieu ' s geography - deciding theory and penalty views 及其刑罰觀述評

Yan fu ' s response to montesquieu ' s views on china 嚴復對孟德斯鳩中國觀的回應

Montesquieu ' s theory about dividing power to keep in balance 孟德斯鳩的分權制衡論

When montesquieu visited venice the “new science“ was recommended but there is no evidence that he either read or acquired the work . 孟德斯鳩訪問威尼斯時,有人推薦過《新科學》,至于他是否讀過或有過這本書,則缺乏足資證明的依據。