
monterrey n.蒙特雷〔墨西哥城市〕。


They decided to meditate as a group and share the teachings of the supreme master ching hai with people throughout the city of monterrey , as well as those living in the northern part of the country . when they heard that a quan yin messenger was in mexico and wanted to visit monterrey , the group immediately focused on finding a suitable place to hold a conference featuring master s videotaped lectures . they were able to reserve the auditorium lope de vega on the campus of regiomontana university , where the videoconference was held on august 27 , 1999 去年有一些住在墨西哥不同地區的同修搬到了蒙特瑞,他們決定要一起共修并希望積極和當地居民以及墨西哥北部民眾一同分享師父的教理,所以當他們得知有一位觀音使者正好在墨國,并且即將到蒙特瑞,他們就立刻著手找地點準備籌辦師父講經錄影帶座談會,結果座談會如期在1999年8月27日在理基蒙塔那大學的維加大禮堂舉行,許多參加的民眾都對師父教理留下深刻的印象,并且要求修習方便法。

The additional costs to developing countries of adapting to climate change makes it more urgent than ever for developed countries to honour their commitments - made in monterrey in 2002 , and strengthened at the g8 gleneagles meeting in 2005 - to double aid flows by 2010 發展中國家為適應氣候變化所付出的附加成本,使得發達國家履行他們做出的承諾發達國家在2002年蒙特雷會議上做出承諾,到2010年要將援助資金翻番,此后又在2005年的八國峰會上進行強調就變得比以往任何時候都緊急。

A few days before the videoconference , a request for information about supreme master ching hai s teachings came from the student association at the technological institute of superior studies of monterrey . the quan yin messenger went to the association s monthly meeting and introduced the quan yin method . many students were touched by the love of supreme master ching hai and expressed a strong desire to invite her to lecture at that prestigious institution 研討會的前幾天,蒙特瑞高等理工學院學生聯誼會前來洽詢有關師父的教理,因此觀音使者前往他們的月會介紹觀音法門,許多學生都對師父的愛心深表感動,熱烈期望能邀請師父親臨此著名的學府講經。

Serving automotive , packaging , steel , concrete and other industries , the monterrey office will provide repair , field service , training , and sales support for the bosch rexroth hydraulics , electric drives and controls , and linear motion and assembly technology groups 服務于汽車、包裝、鋼鐵、混凝土和其他工業的蒙特雷中心將為博世力士樂的液壓、電氣驅動和控制、線性運動以及裝備技術集團提供維修、現場服務、培訓以及銷售支持等服務。

The goal of the gleneagles dialogue meeting in monterrey must be to accelerate innovation , deepen investment , ensure new technologies move from the margin to the mainstream , and help move towards a consensus on a global agreement to combat climate change in the decades ahead 蒙特雷鷹谷會議的目的即在于加速革新,深化投資,確保新技術由邊緣科技發展為主流科技,在今后的幾十年里就氣候變化的解決方案達成國際性共識。

After the videoconference , since the number of fellow practitioners had increased , local initiates started a center in monterrey where practitioners could meditate together . since then , initiates have been distributing pamphlets on a regular basis 舉辦研討會之后,由于同修人數增多了,所以當地同修在蒙特瑞成立了小中心,做為大家共修的場所,并開始定期分送樣書。

July 30 , 2007 - monterrey , mexico - in response to steady growth in north and central american markets in the last few years , bosch rexroth announced it has opened a new sales and technical service center in monterrey , mexico 蒙特雷7月30日消息? ?為了適應過去數年里中北美市場的穩步發展,博世力士樂公司宣布在墨西哥的蒙特雷開設一家新的銷售和技術服務中心。

Moreover , a group of initiates recently opened the first vegetarian restaurant in the city of monterrey . vegetarian cooking classes are now being offered to the local people , along with information about the importance of being vegetarian 最近,一些同修更在市區開了第一家素食餐廳,并為當地人舉辦多場的素食烹飪課,同時宣揚素食的重要性。

The meeting in monterrey will hear from the review of the international economics of climate change carried out by sir nicholas stern , commissioned by the prime minister and chancellor last year 蒙特雷會議將聽取尼古拉斯斯特恩( nicholas stern )爵士關于氣候變化對國際經濟影響的研究報告。

Then , a forklift lifted him onto a truck and the 41 - year - old rode through the streets of san nicolas de los garza , a monterrey suburb 之后,起重機又將烏里韋搬運到暢棚貨車上, 41歲的烏里韋就這樣穿過大街兜兜風。

San antonio offers just three or four daily flights to mexico city and only one to monterrey 圣安東尼奧市每天飛往墨西哥城的航班只有三到四架次,而飛往蒙特雷的航班只有一架。

Our new center in monterrey 蒙特瑞的新小中心

You the hero of monterrey 您是蒙特雷戰役的英雄

The bus was travelling from monterrey , mexico to houston 這輛從墨西哥開往休斯敦的車正行經蒙特雷。

The bus was travelling from monterrey , mexico to houston 該巴士從蒙特雷出發,經墨西哥,到休斯敦。

The bus was travelling from monterrey , mexico to houston 該車是從蒙特雷,墨西哥開往休斯頓。