
montero n.(pl. -ros) (有帽沿的)圓獵帽。


“ the most urgent problem to resolve is regarding the defence , walter samuel ( of inter milan ) appeals to us , he reminds me of the ideal defender paolo montero . ( ajax ' s ) zdenek grygera interests us also “最急迫要解決的問題是后防線,國米的薩穆埃爾吸引了我們,他使我想起了完美的后衛蒙特羅,阿賈克斯的格里格拉同樣引起我們的興趣。

Asked his favourite current player and montero makes it a chelsea double : “ there are some great defenders playing at the moment and the one that appeals to me most is john terry of chelsea 當被問到自己目前最喜歡的球員是誰時,蒙特羅同樣選擇了切爾西球員: “現在有很多優秀后衛,最讓我欣賞的是切爾西的約翰-特里。 ”

“ i was present and saw some great players of the past years like antonio conte and paolo montero who left without receiving even a flower from the club “過去幾年,我可是親眼看到一些偉大的球員,譬如說孔蒂和蒙特羅,他們離開時甚至俱樂部都不會送他們一束花。 ”

“ to play in argentina has always been my dream , “ said montero . “ it ' s a good opportunity in order to be more close to my family and the national team of uruguay . “在阿根廷踢球一直是我的夢想, ”蒙特羅說: “這是一個很好的機會和家人和烏拉圭國家隊重聚。 ”

The 19 - year - old is seen by some as the new paolo montero , a former bianconeri stopper , and his agent is ex - juventus player daniel fonseca 19歲的他被人們認為是前斑馬軍團后衛蒙特羅的接班人,而他的經紀人正是以前尤文圖斯的球員豐塞卡

Meanwhile , elena , the daughter of don diego who was raised by montero , has grown up and thought montero was her father 此時,迭戈的女兒埃琳娜已經由蒙特羅撫養長大,并以蒙特羅為父。

Antonio marin montero is one such friend , he acknowledges , who has given him valuable advice 安東尼奧.馬林.蒙特羅對他來說就是這樣一位朋友,曾經給了他許多有益的建議。

Former juventus defender paolo montero has signed a one - year deal with argentina ' s san lorenzo 前尤文后衛蒙特羅已經與阿根廷的圣羅倫素隊簽訂了一年的合同。

Antonio marin montero is the one of the leading guitar makers in spain 安東尼奧.馬林.蒙代羅是西班牙最頂級的吉他制作家之一。

Don diego decided to fight with montero in order to take his daughter back 迭戈決心與蒙特羅斗爭到底,奪回自己的女兒。

Montero is in love with don diego ' s wife , who is accidentally killed 蒙特羅也愛著迭戈的妻子,但他的手下失手殺死了她。