
montenegro n.黑山,門的內哥羅。


In this area special importance is attached to the launching of such a key collaborative mechanism as the russia - montenegro intergovernmental committee on trade , economic and scientific - technical cooperation . its first meeting is slated for the end of april 2007 in montenegro 安全機構、司法部門、稅務機關、社會保障部門、衛生部門和其他有關部門一旦發現外國公民(無國籍人士)有上述行為,應在10天內通知內務機關。

Eu foreign ministers also acknowledge that the only way to prevent the balkan tinderbox of serbia , a newly independent montenegro and a would - be independent kosovo from exploding again is to hold out to the whole region the prospect of joining their club 歐盟的外交部長們心知肚明:要想防止塞爾維亞的巴爾干火藥桶(新近獨立的黑山共和國和可能獨立的科索沃)再度引燃,唯一的辦法就是給予該地區“入盟”候選國資格。

The tie , though , did little to dampen the enthusiasm surrounding argentina , the talk of germany after its 6 - 0 rout of serbia - montenegro last friday that saw an overpowering performance in all facets of the game 平局顯然沒有影響到狂熱的阿根廷人的熱情,此刻大多數人們還在沉浸著上周五那場6 : 0擊敗塞黑的比賽中,這樣的比賽恐怕也是世界杯賽場上最漂亮的勝利了,因為阿根廷的表現簡直太完美了。

Uefa membership has ballooned since the break - up of the soviet union in 1991 and continues to grow with montenegro , newly seceded from serbia , the newest recruit , albeit too late to join this competition . but how independent is andorra 自蘇聯1991年解體以來,歐足聯的會員像氣球般膨脹,而最近剛剛從塞黑分離出來的黑山也讓歐足聯繼續增長,盡管黑山報名太晚無法參加本屆預選賽。

In this context , based on solid headway already made in cooperation , a complex of measures has to be undertaken towards its adaptation to the new conditions . question : what is the agenda of the talks with the leadership of montenegro 為未滿14歲的外國公民(無國籍人士)所辦理的臨時居留許可的形式為:在證明其父母(已獲得臨時居留許可)一方身份的證件上蓋上規定形式的印戳。

Vladimir radmanovic ( serbia and montenegro ) , ronny turiaf ( france ) and sasha vujacic ( slovenia ) comprised a small group of european - born and trained players on the lakers ' roster when they opened training camp in honolulu back in october 拉德馬諾維奇(塞黑) ,屠夫(法國) ,撒沙(斯洛文尼亞) ,組成了歐洲幫,他們生在歐洲,長在歐洲,在去年十月還在夏威夷開了一個訓練營。

The program of lavrovs visit to the republic of montenegro envisages meetings with president filip vujanovic , prime minister zeljko sturanovic , skupstina parliament speaker ranko krivokapic and minister of foreign affairs milan rocen 5 .如果外國公民為證明其身份使用的是與其職務和職業有關的證件(包括海員證) ,或有效期不足半年的證件,其申請不予受理。

“ i think brazil will have to be considered favourites , but if you ' re looking for dark horses have a look at serbia and montenegro and the ivory coast for a place in the last eight “我認為巴西是眾所周知的熱門,但如果你要尋找黑馬,塞黑和科特迪瓦被看做在八強有最后的席位,我認為他們有很多優秀的球員,并且會取得好成績的。 ”

Although bosnia failed to qualify for the tournament being staged in germany , most men in banja luka , the administrative centre of bosnia s serb entity , are ardent supporters of serbia and montenegro 雖然波斯尼亞沒有晉級本屆德國世界杯賽,但是在波斯尼亞的塞爾維亞行政中心巴尼亞盧卡,大多數男人都是塞黑隊的忠實支持者。

Although bosnia failed to qualify for the tournament being staged in germany , most men in banja luka , the administrative centre of bosnia ' s serb entity , are ardent supporters of serbia and montenegro 雖然波斯尼亞沒有晉級本屆德國世界杯賽,但是在波斯尼亞的塞爾維亞行政中心巴尼亞盧卡,大多數男人都是塞黑隊的忠實支持者。

In our turn , we regard montenegro as an important and reliable partner of russia in the balkan region . substantial attention will be paid to examining the possibilities for building up economic ties 同時在證明外國公民身份的證件上,加蓋取消其臨時居留許可的印戳,而對于持有臨時居留證的無國籍人士,應沒收其臨時居留證。

United have already added namanja vidic to the squad , the serbia - montenegro centre - half signing for ? 7m from spartak moscow , and silvestre looks the most likely player to be sold . lyon are reportedly monitoring his situation 曼聯方面在花700萬英鎊買進維蒂奇后,隊內的另一名后衛球員希爾維斯特成為最有可能被賣掉的球員。

On april 18 - 20 minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergey lavrov will make working visits to spain , serbia and montenegro . what is the schedule of meetings for the upcoming visits ? answer 3 .臨時居留許可由負責處理國內事務的聯邦行政機關的當地機構(以下稱內務機關)簽發給外國公民(無國籍人士) 。

Russian mfa spokesman mikhail kamynin interview with ria novosti in relation to upcoming visits by minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergey lavrov to spain , serbia and montenegro 關于外國公民和無國籍人士辦理臨時居留許可的條例(俄羅斯聯邦政府2002年11月1日第789號決定批準)

Serbia & montenegro impressed during qualifying for the tournament . vidic was part of a back four that conceded just one goal and topped their group above spain and belgium 賽黑在預算賽階段就讓人驚訝。維蒂奇是賽黑的主力后衛,幫助他們的球隊在自己的小組只丟了一個球,最終壓過西班牙和比利時。

It helped sunday when the dutch team beat serbia - montenegro 1 - 0 in the group c match . “ if half the stadium is orange again in germany , you feel it is an honor to play for your country 荷蘭隊隊長埃德溫范德薩說: “如果你看到德國體育館的一半都成了橙色,你會感到為這個國家效力很光榮。

The european commission this week reported on two official candidates , croatia and macedonia , and assessed progress in albania , bosnia , montenegro and serbia 歐盟委員會本周公布了兩個正式的候選人,克羅地亞和馬其頓,對阿爾巴尼亞,波斯尼亞,塞爾維亞以及黑山共和國的評估也在進行中。

The main cities in serbia and montenegro , romania , ukraine , poland , the czech republic and turkey all saw a relative increase of more than 5 percent in the cost of living 國家的生活成本也正變得越來越高。塞黑羅馬尼亞烏克蘭波蘭捷克的主要城市在這方面的漲幅均超過了5 。

Argentina at least started well and promised great things ? they were simply sensational against serbia and montenegro ? but i felt that brazil never really got going 阿根廷至少有一個好的開始也曾預示著好的前景? ?他們曾令人震奮的擊敗塞黑? ?但我覺得巴西從未進入狀態。