
montenegrin adj.黑山(人)的,門的內哥羅(人)的。n.黑山人,門...


A montenegrin serb by birth , he liked to follow events in the land of his birth , and one of the serbo - croat newspapers to which he subscribed reflected the heterodox communism of yugoslavia , the southern slav union into which serbia and montenegro had been swept up 他父親是門的內哥羅的塞爾維亞人出生,并且其父親總是樂于參與家鄉的各大事件,而且其父親訂閱的一份塞爾維亞-克羅地亞報紙就反映了南斯拉夫(塞爾維亞與門的內哥羅被肅清后組成的一個斯拉夫南部聯盟)的異端共產主義。

Montenegrin serb by birth , he liked to follow events in the land of his birth , and one of the serbo - croat newspapers to which he subscribed reflected the heterodox communism of yugoslavia , the southern slav union into which serbia and montenegro had been swept up 他父親是門的內哥羅的塞爾維亞人出生,并且其父親總是樂于參與家鄉的各大事件,而且其父親訂閱的一份塞爾維亞-克羅地亞報紙就反映了南斯拉夫(塞爾維亞與門的內哥羅被肅清后組成的一個斯拉夫南部聯盟)的異端共產主義。

An urgent task is to pull up the volume of trade to the high level of political relations . in this sphere there exist considerable untapped reserves against the background of an ever more tangible presence of russian business in the montenegrin economy 內務機關應將自己的決定在3日內通知外國公民(無國籍人士) ,要求其自接到這一決定之日起15天內離開俄羅斯聯邦。

Answer : russian - montenegrin contacts have been distinguished by high dynamics in the last few years . after the gaining by montenegro of the status of independent state our relations have acquired a new character of interstate engagement 23 .為年滿14歲以上的外國公民(無國籍人士)所辦理的臨時居留許可的形式為:在證明其身份的證件上加蓋規定形式的印戳。

Milan - with their 2 - 0 victory over ofk belgrade on saturday red star belgrade , coached by walter zenga , have won the serb - montenegrin prva liga with three matches left to play 米蘭消息:隨著執教球隊在上周六2 - 0戰勝貝爾格萊德的ofk隊,沃爾特?曾加所率領的貝爾格萊德紅星隊提前三輪奪得塞黑聯賽冠軍。

In this regard , we proceed from the course declared by the montenegrin leadership towards the comprehensive development of relations with russia as a strategic partner of montenegro 內務機關應將自己的決定在3日內通知外國公民(無國籍人士) ,要求其自接到這一決定之日起15天內離開俄羅斯聯邦。

How do you assess the present state of russian - montenegrin relations ? answer : russian - montenegrin contacts have been distinguished by high dynamics in the last few years 25 .在辦理臨時居留許可時,外國公民(無國籍人士)應進行強制性的國家指紋登記。

The montenegrin player scored the winning goal in the 71st minute when he headed a cross from the right wing by cicinho past dida 這位蒙特內格羅球員在第71分鐘,頭球接右路西西尼奧的傳球攻破迪達的大門。