
montane adj.山多的;山區的;住在山區的。


“ the majority of the proposed country park is hilly areas and upland valleys covered with natural woodland and unspoiled streams . also of high conservation value are the well - established areas of secondary woodlands , developed montane forests and fresh water habitats 建議中的擴建范圍大部分都是高山及高地幽谷,有不少天然林木和未受污染的溪流。山區中茂密的次生林地、高地樹林及淡水生境均具有高度的自然護理價值。

Forests sometimes contain many tree species within a small area ( as in tropical rain and temperate deciduous forests ) , or relatively few species over large areas ( e . g . , taiga and arid montane coniferous forests ) 作為普遍規則,受被子植物支配的森林(闊葉林)比那些受裸子植物支配的森林(松樹或針葉林)物種豐富,雖然有例外存在(例如,種類匱乏的白楊和樺樹生長在北緯度地區) 。

The montane elfin forest could be divided into 5 kinds , samples of nearby sites had strong comparability , the more close the place was , the more similar vegetation type and environmental factor were , the smaller the difference of the sample was 山頂矮林可劃分為5類,樣方的相似基本與取樣的地點相一致,地點越相近,植被類型和環境因子越相似,樣本的差異性越小。

Three of the five types of small mammal in the more fragmented habitats ( namely , the north - western deer mouse , the montane shrew and trowbridge ' s shrew ) were smaller 他決定通過比較棲息在華盛頓州原始雨林和居住在這個原始林附近但是更分裂的森林地區的小型動物的情況來進行這個研究。

The results showed that the heterogeneity of the montane elfin forest was strong , variance of the montane elfin forest was mostly extracted the floristic elements 結果表明,石門臺自然保護區山頂矮林的異質性強,其差異主要是由區系成分引起的。

These are two of the finest contributions to barcelona ' s architecture by the catalan art nouveau architect lluis domenech i montaner 作為建筑界新秀的加泰羅尼亞建筑師蒙塔奈爾對于巴塞羅納的建筑有兩項最出色的貢獻,即帕勞音樂廳和圣保羅醫院。

Present palynological studies together with previous palynological data suggest a montane subtropical warm and humid climate during the neogene period in yunnan 植物群中被于植物占69刀,裸子植物占4石,蔽類植物占24 l ,藻類植物占2

The present discovery is the southernmost distribution of the family in china , and also the only tropical montane rainforest locality in china 這是該科在中國最南端的分布,而且是分布于熱帶山地雨林中。

Research on harmonious development of montane environment and economy in the headstream of pearl river drainage economic - belt 珠江流域經濟帶源頭山區生態環境與經濟協調發展

The montane elfin forest was analyzed with count the software in shimentai nature reserve , yinde , guangdong 摘要采用統計軟件對英德石門臺自然保護區的山頂矮林進行分析。

Study on the forest cycle and community characteristics in a tropical montane rain forest in bawangling , hainan province 海南霸王嶺熱帶山地雨林森林循環與群落特征研究

Plant diversity and physiognomy of a tropical montane rain forest in mengsong , southern yunnan , china 滇南勐宋熱帶山地雨林的物種多樣性與生態學特征

A study on plant diversity of tropical montane rain forests in xishuangbanna , yunnan 西雙版納熱帶山地雨林的植物多樣性研究

Habitat and ecology : in montane forest . flowering : june 生境與生態:生于山地林中。花期: 6月。

Quantity analysis on samples of the montane elfin forest 山頂矮林樣方的數量分析