
montague n.蒙塔古〔姓氏,男子名〕。

montan wax

Not until montague reappears , and that could take weeks , i dunno where we sent him , ’ saidfred coolly . ’ anyway … we ' ve decided we don ' t care about getting into trouble any more “直到蒙塔克再出現之前都沒事兒,而那得好幾個星期呢,我也不知道我們把他送哪兒去啦, ”弗雷德輕松地說, “不管怎么說,我們已經決定我們不再為是否招惹麻煩提心吊膽了。 ”

Sampson true ; and therefore women , being the weaker vessels , are ever thrust to the wall : therefore i will push montague ' s men from the wall , and thrust his maids to the wall 山:的確不錯;所以生來就軟弱的女人,就老是被人逼得不能動;我見了蒙太古家里人來,是男人我就把他們從墻邊推出去,是女人我就把她們望著墻壁摔過去。

As a member of the team , katie has taken her share of rough play , including a time when montague of slytherin intentionally grabbed her head instead of the quaffle , nearly unseating her ( pa15 ) 比如一次比賽里,斯萊特林的蒙塔古假裝抓鬼飛球抓偏,想去抓她的頭,幾乎讓她從飛天掃帚上離座摔下來(囚徒第十五章) 。

Stop thy unhallow ' d toil , vile montague ! can vengeance be pursued further than death ? condemned villain , i do apprehend thee : obey , and go with me ; for thou must die 萬惡的蒙太古!停止你的罪惡的工作,難道你殺了他們還不夠,還要在死人身上發泄你的仇恨嗎?該死的兇徒,趕快束手就捕,跟我見官去!

Inspired by william shakespeare s timeless play , “ romeo juliet “ , this classy italian mercantile worthy of the noble montague family , features watches , jewelry , accessories and collector s items 面對著各種款式的鐘表與飾品,您可以放慢腳步精心挑選,讓一只特別的手表為您記錄特別的時光。

Some of these facts are simple assumptions ? for example , that nobody is both a capulet and a montague and that every guest sits next to exactly two other guests 其中有些事實是簡單的假設,比如:沒有人能同時屬于卡普雷家族與蒙太古家族,以及任一名賓客身邊都剛好坐著另兩位賓客。

Gregory ‘ tis well thou art not fish ; if thou hadst , thou hadst been poor john . draw thy tool ! here comes two of the house of the montague 葛:幸而你還不是一身魚肉;否則你便是一條可憐蟲了。拔出你的家伙來;有兩個蒙太古家的人來啦。

My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue ' s utterance , yet i know the sound : art thou not romeo and a montague 我的耳朵還沒有灌進從你嘴里吐出來的一百個字,可是我認識你的聲音;你不是羅密歐,蒙太古家里的人嗎?

Capulet : but montague is bound as well as i , in penalty alike ; and it is not hard , i think , for men so old as we to keep the peace 凱普萊特:可是蒙太古也負著跟我同樣的責任;我想像我們這樣有了年紀的人,維持和平還不是難事。

Uncle , this is a montague , our foe , a villain that is hither come in spite , to scorn at our solemnity this night 姑父,這是我們的仇家蒙太古家里的人;這賊子今天晚上到這兒來,一定不懷好意,存心來搗亂我們的盛會。

Sampson a dog of that house shall move me to stand : i will take the wall of any man or maid of montague ' s 山:我見了他們家里的狗子就會站住不動;蒙太古家里的任何男女碰到了我,就像是碰到墻壁一樣。

In our example , with the exception of romeo and juliet , no capulet should be seated next to a montague 以我們的例子來看,除了羅密歐與茱麗葉,其他卡普雷家族的人應該都不會坐在蒙太古家族的人旁邊。

She inclined more and more to that peace and quietness of which montague dartie had deprived her in her youth 她變得愈來愈喜歡安靜了,因為蒙達古?達爾第在她年青時總鬧得她心緒不寧。

As in shakespeare , one jet ( montague ) and one shark ( capulet ) die tragically on stage , in street fight 在莎士比亞作品中,一個蒙太古人和一個凱普萊特人悲慘地死于巷戰中的舞臺上。

O brother montague , give me thy hand : this is my daughter ' s jointure , for no more can i demand 啊,蒙太古大哥!把你的手給我;這就是你給我女兒的一份聘禮,我不能再作更大的要求了。

Capulet o brother montague , give me thy hand : this is my daughter ' s jointure , for no more can i demand 凱普勒特蒙泰戈兄,把您的手給我;這是給我女兒的聘禮,因為我不能要求更多。

Montague : who set this ancient quarrel new abroach ? speak , nephew , were you by when it began 蒙太古:這一場宿怨是誰又重新煽風點火?侄兒,對我說,他們動手的時候,你也在場嗎?

Lady montague ; o , where is romeo ? saw you him today ? right glad i am he was not at this fray 蒙太古夫人:啊,羅密歐呢?你今天見過他嗎?我很高興他沒有參加這場爭斗。

Montague : i would thou wert so happy by thy way , to hear true shrift . come , madam , let ' s away 蒙太古:但愿你留在這兒,能夠聽到他的真情的吐露。來,夫人,我們去吧。