
montagu n.蒙塔古〔姓氏,男子名〕。


In 1974 midland acquired the london merchant bank of samuel montagu , whose own distinguished history stretches back to 1853 . samuel montagu has been integrated into hsbc investment bank , as has james capel , a leading london - based international securities company , which was acquired by the group in 1986 Samuelmontagu始創于1853年,歷史悠久,與1986年被集團收購的倫敦主要國際證券公司詹金寶一起納入匯豐投資銀行旗下。

Midland was founded in 1836 in birmingham and had grown in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through a series of mergers and amalgamations . in 1974 midland acquired the london merchant bank of samuel montagu , whose own distinguished history stretches back to 1853 米特蘭于1836年在伯明翰成立,并在十九及二十世紀期間透過一連串合并擴展業務,包括在1974年收購倫敦商人銀行samuel montagu 。

According to the story , montagu was too busy gambling and cavorting to have a proper meal , so he ordered a slice of roast beef placed between two pieces of bread to keep his fingers and playing cards clean 這個故事說, montagu整天忙于賭博,連正經吃飯的功夫都沒有,所以他把一片烤牛肉放在兩片面包之間,以免弄臟手指頭和牌。

Samuel montagu has been integrated into hsbc investment bank , as has james capel , a leading london - based international securities company , which was acquired by the group in 1986 Samuel montagu始創于1853年,歷史悠久,與1986年被集團收購的倫敦主要國際證券公司詹金寶一起納入匯豐投資銀行旗下。

When john montagu made the very first sandwich in england in 1762 , he couldn t have imagined that it would still be very popular almost 250 years later 年,當約翰在英格蘭做出第一份三明治時,他不會想到在幾乎250年后的今天三明治仍然大受歡迎。

John montagu 4th earl of sandwich 約翰孟塔古,第四代三明治伯爵

John montagu , 5th earl of sandwich 約翰孟塔古,第五代三明治伯爵

John montagu , 4th earl of sandwich 約翰孟塔古,第四代三明治伯爵

Edward george henry montagu , 8th earl of sandwich 愛德華喬治亨利孟塔古,第八代三明治伯爵

Edward montagu , 2nd earl of sandwich 愛德華孟塔古,第二代三明治伯爵

Edward montagu , 3rd earl of sandwich 愛德華孟塔古,第三代三明治伯爵

Edward montagu , 1st earl of sandwich 愛德華孟塔古,第一代三明治伯爵

George john montagu , 6th earl of sandwich 喬治約翰孟塔古,第六代三明治伯爵

John william montagu , 7th earl of sandwich 約翰威廉孟塔古,第七代三明治伯爵

George charles montagu , 9th earl of sandwich 喬治查爾斯孟塔古,第九代三明治伯爵

Montagu would have loved the browser Montagu如果還在的話,一定會喜歡瀏覽器的。