
montagnard n.1.(越南中部的)山民。2.(美國落基山北部的)印第...


Overhearing that the montagnards are skillful in weather forecasting - being able to tell if it will rain or shine by simply watching the sky , or if there will be a storm by simply observing the wind conditions - he proceeded to conduct an interview by questioning a montagnard elder living in the village : “ hallo sir 有位記者去山上某部落訪問,他聽說這個部落對天氣預測很有一套,獨到而精準,據說他們觀天能斷雨晴,測風便知暴雨。于是他訪問了該部落的一位長者,他說:老伯,您好!

The reporter was amazed and asked himself how this old montagnard man could know the weather in such detail , so he commented : “ excellent 然后他問:真是太神奇了,您怎么能只看天空就知道一整天的天氣狀況呢?

The old montagnard man calmly responded : “ it s not that difficult at all ! i listened to the weather forecast on the radio this morning ! 老人靜靜地答道:這個一點也不難,我今天早上聽了收音機的天氣預報。