
montage n.〔法語〕1.輯繪;輯繪圖畫。2.【電影】剪輯畫面;蒙...


10 montage of smolarek isos playing v ecuador . frustration poland ' s opening match against ecuador was full of disappointment for the european side 波蘭世界杯首場同厄瓜多爾的比賽結果讓波蘭人非常失望。

When designing a cinematic , is it more important to include a general plot or just create a montage of emotional impressions 當你設計影片時,是否著重于結合魔獸世界游戲,還是著重于表現影片的試聽感觀?

Instead of slowing down the pace and putting more emphasis on the composition , park chan - wook focuses more on the montage this time 主題承接《復仇》一片,以反面的故事表達出冤冤相報何時了的訊息。

As a kind of film editing means , the montage is used in the film extensively and is involved in building and painting 摘要蒙太奇作為一種剪輯手段,在電影中被廣泛運用,在建筑中也有所涉及。

I am actually not against the use of montage , but it is a commercial film , the filmmaker should be considerate 不過無論此片是否dogma也好,就算不是,它的表現也不能令人感到滿意。

Der stellantrieb emolon eignet sich zur montage auf alle thermostat - ventilunterteile zur raumtemperaturregelung an z . b 采暖工程的最佳配件這是heimeier數十年來孜孜以求的目標。

Time is stretched and extended in reality and in the illusionary world made of montage imageries 歌曲夜來香是花語,中國女性以這夜之花娓娓道出個人感受。

This montage of chandra images shows a pair of interacting galaxies known as the antennae 這張錢德拉拍攝的拼接圖展示的是一對互擾星系,名為觸角星系。

To the fabulous montage hotel and resort in breathtaking laguna beach 去那個壯觀的laguna海灘勝地還有位于那的、天上人間般的montage酒店

Oh , that ' s a heartwarming tale . - but a relaxing weekend at the montage 哦真讓人感動的故事-但是在montage (海濱勝地)度過的輕松周末

- oh , that ' s a heartwarming tale . - but a relaxing weekend at the montage -哦真讓人感動的故事-但是在montage度過的輕松周末

Application of montage technique for landscape design with wheel ' s syllogism 語看蒙太奇手法在景觀設計中的應用

You need a montage - montage -你就需要剪接-剪接

It takes a montage - montage -喔全都是剪接-剪接

That ' s called a montage - montage -那就叫做剪接-剪接

We ' re gonna need a montage - montage -那就需要剪接-剪接

Girl , we want a montage - montage 這里我們想要剪接~ -剪接~

Even rocky had a montage - montage -甚至洛基也要剪接-剪接

- girl , we want a montage - montage -這里我們想要剪接~ -剪接~