
monstrous adj.1.異形的,畸形的,巨大的。2.可怕的;窮兇極惡...


How can she possibly resist the monstrous power of the evil spirit 她怎么可能抵擋住惡靈的力量?

V : what was done to me was monstrous 對我所作的事情都是怪異的。

No : such a martyrdom would be monstrous 不,這樣的殉道太可怕了。

Discern the monstrous titles in recent years 目睹近幾年書名之怪現狀

- i have a chair . - particuiariy about that monstrous . . -我還有把椅子-尤其是他的那個龐大的

- i have a chair . - particularly about that monstrous . . -我還有把椅子-尤其是他的那個龐大的

A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the old testament 海中怪獸《舊約》中提到的海中怪物

I have a chair . - particularly about that monstrous -我還有把椅子-尤其是他的那個龐大的

I have a chair . - particuiariy about that monstrous -我還有把椅子-尤其是他的那個龐大的

It squirmed along the ground like some monstrous worm 在沙灘上蠕動著,像一條巨大的蟲子。

I have a chair . - particuiariy about that monstrous . . 我還有把椅子-尤其是他的那個龐大的

I have a chair . - particularly about that monstrous . . 我還有把椅子-尤其是他的那個龐大的

Monstrous demons from a universe outside our own 他們是存在于我們世界之外的恐怖惡魔。

It ' s monstrous to charge 80 for a hotel room 一個旅館房間要收八十英鎊真是畸形!

Monstrous things should be at the bottom of the river .這些怪物應該沉到水底

Against some monstrous northern tribe , to be mutilated , 去對抗一些兇暴的北方部落

That ' s it ! you dreadful , awful , monstrous creatures 拿來,你們這群討厭的兔崽子

He used to give curious concerts in which mad gypsies tore wild music from little zithers, or grave, yellow-shawled tunisians plucked at the strained strings of monstrous lutes . 他經常舉行古怪的音樂會,讓一些瘋狂的吉卜賽人在小箏上演奏粗獷的音樂,或是讓一些面容莊嚴,戴黃頭巾的突尼斯人撥弄繃緊的琵琶弦。

Time seemed to him to be crawling with feet of lead, while he by monstrous winds was being swept towards the jagged edge of some black cleft of precipice . 他覺得時間在沉重地向前爬行,而他自己卻在被一陣妖風刮向某一黑色斷崖的鋸齒形邊緣上。