
monstrosity n.異形,畸形;怪異;怪物;異常大的東西;窮兇極惡。


At long intervals of time , out of millions of individuals reared in the same country and fed on nearly the same food , deviations of structure so strongly pronounced as to deserve to be called monstrosities arise ; but monstrosities cannot be separated by any distinct line from slighter variations 在長久的期間內,在同一個地方,在用差不多同樣食料所飼養的數百萬個體中,會出現可以叫作畸形的極其顯著的構造差異;但是畸形和比較微小的變異之間并不存在明顯的界線。

He drew up lists of the most incongruous things and was unhappy until he succeeded in establishing kinship between them all - kinship between love , poetry , earthquake , fire , rattlesnakes , rainbows , precious gems , monstrosities , sunsets , the roaring of lions , illuminating gas , cannibalism , beauty , murder , lovers , fulcrums , and tobacco 他把最不相關的事物列成名單,在它們之間探索聯系,探索不出就不高興他在愛情詩歌地震火響尾蛇虹寶石妖魔日落獅吼照明瓦斯同類相食美。

Among other monstrosities in this lumber room was a largish blackjapanned box , excellently and ingeniously made some sixty or seventy years ago , and fitted with every imaginable object . on top was a concentrated toilet set : brushes , bottles , mirrors , combs , boxes , even three beautiful little razors in safety sheaths , shaving - bowl and all 在這舊物貯藏室堆積著的許多離奇古怪的東西中,有一日黑漆的大箱子,做得非常巧妙,這是六七十年前的東西,里面安排著各種各樣的物件,上面是一些梳妝用品刷子瓶子鏡子梳子小盒子甚至三個精致的保險小剃刀肥皂確和一切刮臉用品。

If cloning produces genetic monstrosities that render it impractical as another form of fertility enhancement , then it will not be necessary to ban it , because no one will use it 倘若復制會產生遺傳缺陷,而無法成為另一種實用的生育方法,就無必要明令禁止,因為沒有人會想采用這種方法。

A very superior persom was walking round an art exhibition , when he paused . “ i suppose this hideous monstrosity is what they call modern art ! “ he told an attendant 一位自命不凡的人在參觀一個藝術展覽。他停了下來,對一位工作人員說: “我想這一可怕的奇形怪狀的東西就是所謂的現代藝術! ”

An obsidian construct brought to life accidentally by the lich king ' s necromancers , this heartless monstrosity stays animate through devouring magic in the world around it 這頭冷酷的異獸本只是一尊黑曜石雕像,卻被巫妖王的死靈師們意外灌注了生命,并僅能透過不斷吞噬魔法以維持之。

An obsidian construct brought to life accidentally by the lich king ' s necromancers , this heartless monstrosity stays animate through devouring magic in the world aroud it 在偶然地被巫妖王的亡靈法師們賦予了生命后,這具黑曜石雕像便成了一頭依靠吸食周圍魔法為生的無情的怪物。

When i asked emma about her views on the new town hall she shifted her ground and said she liked it , although previously she had said she thought it was a monstrosity 當我詢問愛瑪對新的市政廳的看法時,她改變了立場,說她是喜歡的,盡管她以前曾說過她認為那是一個怪物。

“ well , sir , you have in your establishment , or in your family , perhaps , one of the frightful monstrosities of which each century produces only one “嗯,先生,在您的房子里,在您的家里,也許也出現了一個每個世紀都產生過一次的那種可怕的現象。

His audacities of phrase struck him as grotesque , his felicities of expression were monstrosities , and everything was absurd , unreal , and impossible 他那些氣勢磅確的詞句給他怪誕的印象:他的得意之筆其實很鄙陋。一切都荒唐虛偽不像話。

Come , run along , run along with your monstrosity ! said her mother , pushing her daughter off with a pretence of anger 母親說道,假裝發脾氣,把女兒推到一邊去。 “這是我的小女兒。 ”她把臉轉向女客說道。

The deck of this monstrosity is surrounded by independently - rotating anti - aircraft guns , each one bigger than the tank 它的甲板被自主旋轉防空機槍環繞著,每個機槍都比坦克大。

A monstrosity ofecstasy 一個讓人著迷的怪物

A monstrosity of ecstasy 一個讓人著迷的怪物

Once you biock out the sun with this condo - hotei monstrosity .在這里建造豪華公寓來擋住我們的光線,事情哪有這么巧

Destroy ! drive out the monstrosity 毀滅!驅除怪獸

A monstrosity too horrible to behold 不可目視的怪物!

And whatever those monstrosities are in the hallway - - 還有那些掛在走廊里的奇怪玩意兒- -

Stomach and intestines duplex monstrosity co - exsited 胃腸重復畸形并存1例