
monsoonal adj.【氣象學】季風的。


Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed , typically found off northern china and japan , bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters 此外,還有一些基本上在中國北部及日本水域出沒的過境品種,諸如黃花魚及瓜核魚,這些魚類隨著較涼的季節性水流來港,令該段時間本港的海洋動物數量大增。

The holocene loess - soil sequence in the loess plateau constitutes an excellent record of evolution of soil formation , monsoonal climate , aeolian dust accumulation and influences of arable farming of over 8000 years 長期農牧業的發展,使得天然植被在大多數地方已蕩然無存,大片的林地被開墾為農田或被開辟為城市用地。

Beijing has a typical temperate and monsoonal climate with four clearly distinct seasons 北京的氣候為典型的暖溫帶季風氣候,一年四季區分顯著。

Zhengzhou has a temperate and monsoonal climate with four clearly distinct seasons 鄭州地區屬暖溫帶大陸性氣候,四季分明