
monsoon n.1.季(節)風〔在印度洋和亞洲南部5-9月自西南、1...


Then like monsoon 就向季風一樣

Middle east tourists escape sweltering heat in * favor of southeast asia ' s monsoon season 中東游客喜歡在東南亞雨季,前往避暑。

In very exposed places , monsoon winds may exceed 70 kilometres per hour 在十分空曠的地方,季候風的風速可能超過每小時70公里。

Then like monsoon . . 就向季風一樣

Figure 3 . statistics of rainfall in hong kong under the influence of winter monsoon 圖三香港的雨量受冬季季候風影響的統計。

It is to consider effort study , every division monsoon the first , this is my desire 是想努力學習,每科雨季第一,這是我的愿望

A weak northeast monsoon reached the south china coastal areas in the morning 當日一股微弱的東北季候風于早上抵達華南沿岸。

Strong monsoon signal 強烈季候風信號

Interannual and interdecadal variations of summer monsoon activities over south china sea 南海夏季風活動的年際和年代際特征

Strong monsoon warning 五強烈季候風警告

The city has hot summers with monsoon rains occurring during july and august 城市有熱夏天與季風雨發生在7月期間和8月。

The strong monsoon signal 強烈季候風信號

Interdecadal fluctuations of the monsoon s boundary zone in the northern china 中國北方季風邊緣區邊界位置的年代際變化

Recent progresses in the research on the interaction between asian monsoon and enso cycle 循環相互作用研究最近的進展

At the monsoon lagoon 我曾經是當月最佳雇員

Analysis on characteristics of interannual variability of the south asian summer monsoon 南亞夏季風年際變化特征分析

Influence of east - asia monsoon intensity change on climate in hebei province 東亞季風強度變化對河北省氣候的影響

Eawm - related air - sea - land interaction and the asian summer monsoon circulation 相關的海陸氣相互作用及亞洲夏季風

Tropical monsoon and chang ho ' s voyages to the west of indian ocean 鄭和船隊下西洋航線及其相關的季風航海問題