
monroe n.1.門羅〔姓氏,男子名〕。2.James Monro...


Grace . . . because you used to be better than that monroe 格蕾斯. . .因為你以前是比那個monroe好得多的

Host our show this evening is the lovely gloria monroe 我們今晚的演出由美麗的格洛麗亞?門羅主持。

American actress marilyn monroe has been dead for a long time 美國女演員瑪麗蓮.夢露已死去多年,

I spent 25 years with monroe cole . . 我和蒙羅.科爾生活了25年. .

Marilyn monroe is the most famous of all american movie queens 瑪麗蓮?夢露是全美最著名的影后。

Grace . because you used to be better than that monroe 格蕾斯.因為你以前是比那個monroe好得多的

Tv : question 1 : what was marilyn monroe ' s real name 電視:第一個問題:瑪麗蓮?夢露的原名叫什么?

By 1945 , monroe ' s style had undergone several changes 1945年之前,門羅的風格經歷了一些變化。

Is she waitin ' for ya , this ada monroe 那個艾達?門羅,還在等你嗎

Both monroe “ eagle “ cole ! - bell ringing 總統接招-蒙羅伊戈科爾

Hello monroe . what brought you here 嗨, monroe ,什么風把你給吹過來了

Charlotte - - - married couples have a shorthand , monroe 夏洛特- - -已婚的夫妻都有筆帳,蒙羅

With your candidates monroe “ eagle “ cole 候選人有蒙羅“伊戈“科爾

Hello ? ? monroe . what brought you here 嗨, monroe ,什么風把你給吹過來了

Son - in - law : marilyn monroe is quite good 女婿:瑪麗蓮?夢露是挺好的。

The monroe “ eagle “ cole presidential library 蒙羅伊戈.科爾總統圖書館

Bill monroe represents the virtual base of bluegrass 比爾.門羅代表了肯塔基音樂的發源。

Monroe : sings “ a kiss on the hand may be quite continental “手上的一個吻可能是非常遜的

Dr . monroe said no aggravating your sciatica 蒙羅醫生說你不能再讓你的坐骨神經痛惡化了