
monotony n.單音;單調;無變化,千篇一律;無聊。adj.-not...


Behind his smile rostov saw in him that mood which he had seen in him at the club dinner and at other times , when dolohov seemed , as it were , weary of the monotony of daily life , and felt a craving to escape from it by some strange , for the most part cruel , act 羅斯托夫從他的微笑中看出他還懷有他在俱樂部午宴上懷有的那種心情,總之在那時,多洛霍夫似乎討厭日常生活,他覺得必須做件奇特的多半是殘忍的事來排除苦悶。

Then a simple e - dealing system is devised to show the thoughts of the protocol . in order to formalize and verify the protocol , bzl logic model is built , which based on first - order logic and introduces many - sorted , dynamic and non - monotony logic 為了形式化驗證數字現金的安全性,本文在經典一階邏輯的基礎上,吸取了多類邏輯、動態邏輯和非單調邏輯的思想,提出了bzl邏輯模型。

If monotony tries me , and i cannot stand drudgery ; of stupid people fret me and little ruffles set me on edge ; if i make much of the trifles of life , then i know nothing of calvary love 若我受不了單調的生活乏味的工作;若愚笨的人叫我厭煩,一絲絲漣漪微波便破壞了我心湖的平靜,一點生活中的瑣事便叫我小題大做,那我就還是絲毫不懂加略山的愛。

It stood at the side of the road which leads from orleans to paris and with its rich verdure and high - embowered trees broke the monotony of that flat countryside , where fields stretched to the horizon s verge 莊園坐落在由奧爾良通往巴黎的公路旁邊,樹木蔥蔥綠綠,宛如一片碧浪,打破了這個平原地區的一望無垠的農田的單調景色。

Unable to deal with the monotony of his job , guo song quits the factory . soon the couple runs into financial difficulties , and they have no other option than the money in the donation box 未幾,郭松辭掉了刻板的工作,曉青當侍應的咖啡館又生意欠佳,兩口子的生活出現了困境,只有向捐款箱里的錢打主意。

The conceited man against raised his hat in salute . after five minutes of this exercise the little prince grew tired of the game s monotony . “ and what should one do to make the hat come down ? 小王子這樣做了五分鐘,之后對這種單調的把戲有點厭倦了,說道: “要想叫你的帽子掉下來,該怎么做呢? ”

Essence , july , 2005 by cynthia gordy just when we start thinking that hip - hop s originality and skills have been lost to commercial monotony , a new trend comes out to prove us wrong 當我們開始認為配合敲打并以節律唱誦的音樂的獨創性和技能丟失了對商業單調,一個新建趨勢出來證明我們錯誤。

Merry days were these at thornfield hall ; and busy days too : how different from the first three months of stillness , monotony , and solitude i had passed beneath its roof 那些是桑菲爾德府歡樂的日子,也是忙碌的日子。同最初三個月我在這兒度過的平靜單調和孤寂的日子相比,真是天差地別!

However , the other side of the picture shows weaknesses in research quality , editorial management , structural monotony , scanty volume of circulation , and insufficient information 但也存在著一些問題和不足,如期刊整體學術質量不高,管理機制不健全,出版單一,發行量小,信息滯后等。

The menu is practically endless to suit individual tastes , and the only sensible thing to do is to go and partake of the feast and not complain about the monotony of life 這種可以配合個人口味的菜單,簡直是無窮盡的;人們唯一近情的行為便是去參加這個宴會,而不要埋怨人生的單調。

Though china has made remarkable achievement in artificial forest creation , such forests have not substantially protected the biodiversity , because of the monotony of the kind of such forests 加之人工林林種單一,雖然部分地區森林覆蓋率較高,但生物多樣性卻沒有得到很好的保護。

It is the best vocation i can have from my silly battles of art versus the economics & politics of the recording industry , or the grueling monotony of album promotion 它是我在與藝術創作與唱片業經濟、政策,或者與累人單調的唱片宣傳傻氣的交戰后,所擁有最棒的旅程。

The concept of rough entropy is proposed . the monotony between the uncertainty of knowledge in the rough set theory and its corresponding rough entropy is proved 提出了粗糙信息熵的概念,證明了粗糙集理論中知識不確定性與其所對應的粗糙信息熵之間的單調關系。

John milton threw open whole new vistas filled with charming , inexhaustible possibilities that promised to ward off monotony forever 約翰?彌爾頓為他開辟了全新的天地,給他提供了無數絕妙的辦法,他有希望永遠不覺得單調乏味了。

This is a good way to develop new interests , and friends and to break up the monotony [ / color ] of everyday life 休息一下,對發展新的興趣,結交朋友和打破每天的單調生活很有好處,這是個不錯的方法。

This is a good way to develop new interests , and friends and to break up the monotony of everyday life 休息一下,對發展新的興趣,結交朋友和打破每天的單調生活很有好處,這是個不錯的方法。

I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of quiet life stimulates the creative mind 我生活在孤寂之中,然而我發現到,寧靜生活的單調乏味卻可以激發出創意的思維。

Vary the speed and pitch of your voice to avoid monotony and to make your presentation seem more dynamic 語速要張弛有度,語調要抑揚頓挫,這樣會使你的演講更加生動活潑,避免單調乏味。

Not being able to stand the monotony , the wizard thought long and hard about the problem in his cellar 魔術師就忍耐不了這種單調,在地下室想辦法創造新奇,先后攪拌出藍色黃色紅色。