
monotone n.,adj.【語言學】單調音(的);(顏色、文體等的)...


His charisma can be glimpsed beneath his lumbering gait and straggly hair , but his delivery is a bit monotone 他遲緩的步態和凌亂的頭發掩蓋不了他攝人的感召力,但在他說臺詞的時候就顯得有些黯淡了。

Variations of the granule ' s strength versus above operation parameters were non - monotone , and that versus the nozzle air pressure was consistent 但噴嘴霧化空氣壓力與顆粒強度之間存在正向相關性。

By virtue of a non - monotone line search , we propose a gauss - newton - based bfgs method for solving the nonsmooth euqation 提出一種gauss - newton型bfgs算法。并利用非單調線性搜索對算法進行全局化。

In this dissertation , the existence of solutions for variational inequalities related to semi - monotone operators are mainly considered 本文主要討論與半單調算子相關的變分不等式解的存在性。

Recently , the theory of monotone semiflows generated by functional differential equations has great attention to mathematicians 近年來,泛函微分方程的單調半流理論已引起人們的廣泛興趣。

A monotone version may be acceptable in certain situations , if the use requires it ( e . g . , desktop backgrounds ) 如果要求使用單色調(如桌面背景) ,那么在特定情況下該要求是可以被接受的。

Existence of multiple monotone positive solutions for higher order boundary value problems that contain all order derivatives 含有各階導數的高階微分方程邊值問題三個單調正解的存在性

Existence of the solutions of the variational inequality problem with a maximal monotone set - valued map on a reflexive banach space 空間中極大單調集值映射變分不等式的解的存在性

A existence result is obtained via upper and lower solutions method coupled with the monotone iterative technique 利用上下解方法結合單調迭代技巧,我們得到了解的存在性結果。

We prove sequentially mesocompactness is characterized in term of well - monotone cover , interior - preserving cover 摘要主要是利用良序單調覆蓋、內部保持覆蓋刻畫了序列中緊性。

Sensitivity analysis for a system of generalized mixed quasi - variational inclusions involving h - maximal monotone mappings 極大單調映象的廣義混合擬變分包含組的靈敏性分析

Convergence rates of regularized solutions of nonlinear operator equation of the first kind involving monotone operators 非線性第一類單調算子方程正則解的收斂率討論

In fact , it turns out that the monotone versions also characterize significant topological properties 其實這種“單調形式”也反映了空間的重要的拓撲性質。

Uniform monotone coefficients and locally uniform monotonicity for a point of unit sphere in orlicz spacc 空間單位球面上一點的一致單調系數和局部一致單調性

Existence of monotone positive solutions to a type of three - point boundary value problem with p - laplacian operator 算子方程三點邊值問題單調正解的存在性

Existence of unique positive monotone solution for nonlinear differential equations on infinite interval 無窮區間上非線性微分方程單調正解的存在唯一性

We mainly consider completely monotone functions from semigroup to operator algebras 我們主要討論了作用在半群上取值于算子代數的完全單調函數。

Iterative solutions for a non - monotone binary operator equations and operator system of equations 一類非單調二元算子方程及方程組的迭代解法

A theorem of iterative approximation of zero point for maximal monotone operator in banach space 空間中極大單調算子零點的迭代逼近定理