
monotheism n.一神教[論]。n.-ist 一神教信徒;一神論者。a...


The features of the above - mentioned contacts are : the civilization in the ancient times in the middle east as a result of creation of different ethnic groups ; the importance of trade and conflict between nomadic and farming nations ; the ever - increasing sphere of the civilization zone ; close relations between the middle east and both the east and the west ; the development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism 中東文明交往的特征為:中東上古文明是各民族共同創造的文明;獨特的地理位置、環境和氣候決定了本地區貿易的重要地位以及游牧與農耕民族的頻繁沖突;形成了交往范圍不斷擴大的文明圈;獨特的地理位置使中東與東西方同時保持著密切聯系;上古宗教經歷了從原始拜物教、多神教經二元神教的過渡向一神教的發展歷程。

Through a review on the work “ the religions of china “ by james legge , a well - known missionary , scholar and translator of important confucian classics , the thesis tries to analyzes his understanding of confucianism , that is , his unique understanding from the position of a christian in which legge concluded that there had been a monotheism in ancient china but it disappeared later , and points out that his comparison of confucianism with christianity repudiated the idea that confucianism had nothing to do with religion 摘要文章通過對19世紀英國傳教士理雅各《中國之信仰》的解讀和分析,試圖了解他作為儒家經典的重要英文本譯者,如何從基督教立場出發,對于儒家思想進行獨特的理解和分析,認為中國在遠古是有一神教崇拜的,而后來這種信仰丟失了;并從比較宗教學的立場將儒家與基督教相比較,反駁了儒家完全不是宗教的說法。

Prophet mohammad instituted this requirement , modifying pre - islamic custom , to emphasize sites associated with god and abraham hadrat ibrahim , founder of monotheism and father of the arabs through his son hadrat ismail 先知mohammad設立了這個要求,修改前伊斯蘭教的風俗,強調一神教的站點與相關上帝和亞伯拉罕hadrat ibrahim ,阿拉伯人的創建者和父親通過他的兒子hadrat ismail 。

The greatest concept in religion is that there are not many gods , but there is one god and that concept of ethical monotheism is embraced first by the jewish people , then by the christians and , of course , in the seventh century , by the muslims 我們稱之為道德一神論,是宗教界的最偉大觀念,意思指不是有許多神,而是道德一神論,只有一位神。

The essay compares the cultural essence of the monotheism and polytheism , and analyzes the different influence of monotheism and poly theism upon religious culture and secular culture 摘要闡述了一神教和多神教的文化內涵,分析了一神信仰和多神信仰對宗教文化和人類世俗文化的不同影響。

There is also a psychoanalytical interpretation of moses ' life , put forward by sigmund freud in his last book , moses and monotheism , in 1937 摩西的生命也有一種心理學的解釋,是由西格蒙德?弗洛伊德在他的最后一本書《摩西與一神教, 1937年》提出。

His belief in monotheism - one god of light - manifest as a sacred flame - again shows him as pharaoh akhenaten and zoroaster 他相信一神教? ?一位光明之神? ?表現為神圣的火焰? ?此外又作為埃赫那頓法老和瑣羅亞斯德而顯現。

The history of religion credits judaism for ethical monotheism , where god was one god who created us in his image 宗教歷史贊揚猶太教合乎道德的一神主義,神就是那位按著?形象創造我們的神。

Ethical monotheism went beyond abraham , beyond the ten commandments , until god himself decided he would visit this earth 道德一神論超越了亞伯拉罕,超越了十誡,直到神決定要親自造訪。

Ethical monotheism sets us into a camp by ourselves compared to polytheism . the incarnation : god came to visit earth 道德一神論使我們形成與多神論對壘的陣形

Relations of the first three monotheism in the world 世界三大一神教的關系