
monosyllable n.單音節詞。 speak [answer] in mo...


Never had he been at such an altitude of living , and he kept himself in the background , listening , observing , and pleasuring , replying in reticent monosyllables , saying , “ yes , miss , “ and “ no , miss , “ to her , and “ yes , ma am , “ and “ no , ma am , “ to her mother . he curbed the impulse , arising out of his sea - training , to say “ yes , sir , “ and “ no , sir , “ to her brothers 他在角落里默默地聽著,觀察著,快活著,只用簡短的話回答她, “是,小姐” , “不,小姐”回答她母親, “是,夫人” , “不,夫人”對她的兩個哥哥則抑制了海上訓練出來的沖動,沒有回答“是,長官” , “不,長官” 。

The countess exchanged glances with anna mihalovna . anna mihalovna saw that she was asked to undertake the young man , and sitting down by him she began talking of his father . but to her as to the countess he replied only in monosyllables 安娜米哈伊洛夫娜心中明白,這是人家要她來接待這個年輕人,她于是就坐在他的近旁,開始提到他的父親的事他如同回答伯爵夫人一樣,只用三言兩語來回答她的話。

The countess tried to make him talk , but he looked navely round him over his spectacles as though he were looking for some one , and replied in monosyllables to all the countesss questions 伯爵夫人想要他說話,但是他戴著眼鏡稚氣地向四周張望,好像在尋找某人似的,他簡短地回答伯爵夫人提出的各種問題。

I was told that david doesn ' t like being interviewed . that he doesn ' t like interviews . that when he doesn ' t feel like talking , he answer with monosyllables . that he ' s got a temper 我聽說大衛不喜歡接受采訪。當他不喜歡說話的時候,他一般都回答得很簡短。所以人們都說他脾氣壞。

He was a wooden - faced individual , extremely taciturn , and his contributions to the conversation were mostly monosyllables 他有一張非常獨特的木納的臉,極其的沉默,他說話時吐出來的總是一個一個的單音節。

The semantic characteristic of monosyllable verbs and its ' terms ' confirmation in quot; discussions about salt and iron quot 單音節動詞的語義特征及其詞項的確定

But she had not , and she sat now , like a puppet , replying to his remarks in monosyllables 但是她沒有忘記,她此刻像木偶似地坐著,對他說的話回答一兩個字。

She found it difficult to obtain even a word from her beyond a monosyllable 達西小姐只是唯唯喏喏,此外你休想再逼得出她一句話來。

The way and character of changing from a monosyllable to disyllable in shiming 單音詞擴展成雙音詞的途徑與特點

On the grammaticalization mechanism of the monosyllable modal adverbs 單音節語氣副詞的語法化機制研究

The word “ monosyllable “ actually has five syllables in it 單音節)這個字其實有五個音節