
monosyllabic adj.單音節的;由單音節構成的。adv.-ically...


The preordained frangibility of the hymen , the presupposed intangibility of the thing in itself : the incongruity and disproportion between the selfprolonging tension of the thing proposed to be done and the self abbreviating relaxation of the thing done : the fallaciously inferred debility of the female , the muscularity of the male : the variations of ethical codes : the natural grammatical transition by inversion involving no alteration of sense of an aorist preterite proposition parsed as masculine subject , monosyllabic onomatopic transitive verb with direct feminine object from the active voice into its correlative aorist preterite proposition parsed as feminine subject , auxiliary verb and quasimonosyllabic onomatopic past participle with complementary masculine agent in the passive voice : the continued product of seminators by generation : the continual production of semen by distillation : the futility of triumph or protest or vindication : the inanity of extolled virtue : the lethargy of nescient matter : the apathy of the stars 女性之虛弱及男性之強韌乃基于謬誤的臆測。道德的準則是可變的。自然的語法轉換:在不引起意思變動的情況下,由主動語態不定過去式命題從語法上分析:男性主語,單音節擬聲及物動詞,女性直接賓語轉位到相關的被動語態不定過去式命題: 3 ”從語法上分析:女性主語,助動詞與準單音節擬聲過去分詞,男性主動補語。

I made some attempts to draw her into conversation , but she seemed a person of few words : a monosyllabic reply usually cut short every effort of that sort 我幾次想使她開口,但她似乎是個少言寡語的人,回答往往只有一兩個字,終于使我意興全無了。

But the finn , whose love of partying is as well - documented as his monosyllabic approach to the media , said he will remain the same person 但是芬蘭人以他慣有的方式向媒體表示,他仍然是原來的冰人。

To what inconsequent polysyllabic question of his host did the guest return a monosyllabic negative answer 對男主人的哪一句有一搭沒一搭的多音節的詢問,客人做了單音節的否定的答復?

Monosyllabic words in want of form , very important language best fit the existence of transformation 缺乏形態的單音節非常重要的語言最適宜于轉類的生存。

Keep sentences short . short words are better than long words . monosyllabic words are best 簡明扼要。句子要短,短小的詞比長詞好,單音節的詞是最佳選擇。

A tentative study of the coexistence of monosyllabic and disyllabic verb as a synonymy 試析含同一語素的同義單雙音節動詞并存并用的原因

Word lists for recognition tests - part 1 : monosyllabic and polysyllabic words 識別試驗用詞表.第1部分:單音節和多音節詞

Complexity of the accessing of chinese monosyllabic words : evidence from cognitive experiments 來自認知心理的實驗證據

The phonological planning unit in chinese monosyllabic word production 漢語單音節詞匯產生中音韻編碼的單元

He would give only monosyllabic replies , such as “ yes “ and “ no 他只肯給予極簡短的回答,例如“是”和“否” 。