
monopolize vt.獨占,壟斷,包辦;得到…的專利權。 monopol...


However , governmental information has long been monopolized by the state authorities , which is completely against the conception of modern nomocracy 陽光是最好的防腐劑,因而有必要確立政府信息公開制度。

Windows xp security patch : request to smarthtml interpreter could monopolize web server cpu resources also downloaded Windows xp安全修補程序:對smarthtml interpreter的請求有可能獨占web服務器cpu資源

After china ' s entrance into the wto , the tobacco industry monopolized by the government is bound to meet with the great challenge 中國加入wto后,受國家保護的煙草行業必將面臨著巨大的機遇和挑戰。

This little - known candidate carries in it the seeds of a method for some company to monopolize internet authentication services 雖然有這些麻煩,但理解是最重要的:合理應用密碼術是強有力的手段。

Windows 2000 patch : request to smarthtml interpreter could monopolize web server cpu resources also downloaded Windows 2000安全修補程序:對smarthtml interpreter的請求有可能獨占web服務器cpu資源

We have 66 monopolized shops in all parts of the country , have set up extensive sales network , the market has a good prospect 在全國各地擁有66家專賣店,建立了廣泛的銷售網絡,市場前景看好。

At last , we have studied the price - making decision system of the oligarch monopolize firm with the help of the swarm 最后,本文運用swarm平臺對寡頭壟斷廠商定價決策系統進行了實證研究。

Windows xp security patch : request to smarthtml interpreter could monopolize web server cpu resources Windows xp安全修補程序:對smarthtml interpreter的請求有可能獨占web服務器cpu資源

We should assist the minority nationalities in organizing their own business activities , which we cannot monopolize 要幫助少數民族把自己的貿易活動組織起來,這不是我們能夠包辦的。

Windows 2000 patch : request to smarthtml interpreter could monopolize web server cpu resources Windows 2000安全修補程序:對smarthtml interpreter的請求有可能獨占web服務器cpu資源

A common complaint is that some companies try to monopolize a market through “ predatory “ or below - cost pricing 一種常見的申訴是一些公司通過掠奪性定價或傾銷價企圖壟斷市場。

So , in practice , the government or the state enterprise once monopolized the postal services of various countries 所以,在實踐中,各國郵政都曾被政府或政府企業所壟斷。

Use the thread pool size property to balance improving application speed with monopolizing system resources 使用線程池大小屬性來平衡應用程序速度改善與系統資源占用。

The thought of recommending the competition and object to monopolizing has already been rooted in the hearts of the people 遏制壟斷,提倡競爭這一思想早已深入人心。

Research on rules of the modelling monopolized structure of industrial organization in age of information and economy 信息經濟時代產業組織模塊化壟斷結構的規制研究

Advertisement competition is studied under the monopolizing of double oligarchies by a linear model 摘要利用線性函數模型對雙寡頭壟斷市場下企業廣告競爭進行研究。

Postal service monopolized by government nearly in all various countries , in no exception our country have 郵政在各國幾乎都是由政府壟斷經營,在我國也不例外。

Market of pet and psf in china were monopolized by a few national enterprise before 1993 1993年以前,國內聚酯及滌綸短纖維產品市場為少數幾家國有大企業所壟斷。

Now china post keeps power to monopolize postal service and also accepts government ragulation too 郵政既保持了壟斷郵遞業的權力,也接受著政府的嚴格管制。