
monopolization n.獨占,壟斷,包辦;專利。


The characteristics of our main business projects and our company are : the monopolization of using resources , the stability of existence , the enormousness of scale , the expansionism of business and the large amount of profits 中鐵多經投資集團經營特點:資源利用的獨占性、存在的長期性、規模的巨大性、業務的可拓展性、效益的可觀性。

From then on , the public phone market ' s monopolization by china telecom was broken , and the market will become a new field in which china telecom , china mobile , china unicom , china netcom compete 自此,宣告公話市場正式從中國電信一家壟斷,徹底轉變為電信、網通、聯通、移動、鐵通各大運營商群雄逐鹿的新戰場。

But in fact , monopolization is really being , it is necessary to analyze this condition , find the truth . based on that , social and government can take effective measure to prevent and punish monopolization 所以有必要對這個問題進行分析,才能有效采取預防和補救措施,這對于整個社會尤其是政府部門有重要意義。

Any bulwarks trying to maintain this kind of monopolization will face greater challenge , vis - a - vis , it will be easier for the enterprises to maintain an advantage by making improvements in human resources management 相反通過對人力資源管理的原有突破,以達成企業的競爭優勢,確是較容易以維持的。

The enactment of “ the seed law “ broke the situation of area quarantine and monopolization of the main crops seed , and brings opportunity for development of seed enterprises 2000年12月1日頒布實施的《種子法》打破了一直以來的主要農作物種子地區封鎖、壟斷經營的局面,給種子企業的發展帶來了機遇。

Along with reformation of market economy system , deepening reformation , breaking monopolization , leading into competition and opening electric power market have been urgent in electric power trades 電力行業,隨著市場經濟體制的改革,逐步加大改革力度,打破壟斷,引入競爭,開放電力市場,己迫在眉睫。

Basing on the situation of our country , how to set up or consummate a series of scientific and sound tobacco monopolization system to adapt to new situation 如何適應新形勢的發展,從我國國情出發,建立健全一套科學合理的煙草專賣制度?文章提出了改革和完善我國煙草專賣制度的幾種理論設計和目標。

Because of the information products “ characters and the fierce competition in technology , in information economy , there is the trend that competition and monopolization are both strengthened 由于信息產品的特征和高度的技術競爭,信息經濟領域已經出現了競爭和壟斷同時雙雙被強化的態勢。

It is predatory pricing that help microsoft to hold the monopolization place , and predatory pricing is also one of the perfect methods to establish software industry monopolization 是掠奪性定價讓微軟獲得了軟件市場的壟斷地位,掠奪性定價也是建立軟件行業壟斷的最完美的方法之一。

Under the tobacco fiscal monopoly system , tobacco - industry in china had ever been the name matches the reality monopolization , and tobacco - market had ever been seller ' s market 在煙草專賣制度下,中國的煙草行業曾經是名副其實的壟斷行業,整個煙草市場呈現出賣方市場的勢態。

“ form a system environment to benefits development of the service industry . change the conception , break obstacles as monopolization , and loosen the standard of entering market . “形成有利于服務業發展的體制環境,要轉變觀念,突破體制障礙,打破壟斷,放寬市場準入。 ”

In addition of the technology improvement and the booming of the economic of scale , those regulated industries began to lose the monopolization even if the economic of scale 隨著技術進步和經濟規模的進一步擴大,上述受管制產業并未因規模經濟性而自動地維持住壟斷地位。

As an economic system , the existence of monopolization system has far - reaching historical heritage and economic background , and it is also exists as a legal system 專賣制度作為一項經濟制度,其存在有著深遠的歷史傳承性和經濟性背景,同時它也是作為一種法律制度而存在。

Therefore , the principle of against monopolization law should be adaptable to the general property right , simultaneously it should be consistent with the field of intellectual property right 為此,應使反壟斷法的原則在適用于一般對產權的同時,也適用于知識產權領域。

Especially in china ' s wto accession , the monopoly industry is facing enormous pressure of foreign competition , it is imperative to have an innovation in china ’ s monopolization system 尤其是在我國加入wto之后,專賣行業面臨著國外競爭的巨大壓力,其改革勢在必行。

Along with the reform and developments of the telecommunications industry , the telecommunications industry ’ s traditional monopolization has been broken , competition is becoming fiercer 隨著電信業的改革和發展,電信業傳統的一統天下的格局發生改變,競爭逐漸加劇。

It is necessary to formulate the anti - monopolization law and other relational economic regulations to ensure the development of chinese m & a 這就要求我們制定完善適應我國現階段國情的并具有權威性的反壟斷法及其他相關的經濟法律法規,以保證我國企業并購活動健康運行。

In new economy , telecom industry is one of representative industries . with the breakup of the monopolization in telecom industry , it globalizes quickly 電信業是新經濟時代的代表行業之一,隨著電信壟斷逐步在世界上的各個國家被打破,電信行業的全球化進展迅速。

As implementation of a national economic system , but also a national legal system , the existence of tobacco monopolization system has some historical heritage 作為國家實施的一項經濟制度,同時也是國家的一項法律制度,煙草專賣制度的存在有著一定的歷史傳承性。