
monopolistic adj.壟斷[專利]的。


In the section on monopolistic competition and efficiency , the text notes that monopolistic competition “ supports a surplus of firms that mostly underutilize their capacity 在獨霸競爭和效率當中,文中/報告顯示獨霸競爭的定義是“為那些未能充分利用資源的公司獲取盈利” 。

Having produced all ten of the viewpoint columns so far myself , i thought it was time to deliver on that promise before someone accused me of monopolistic practices 專欄推出至今刊登的10篇文章都是由我寫的,我想如果我還不實現承諾,便可能會引起外間批評,指我壟斷篇幅。

This is also a chance to reintroduce monopolistic competition since locational differences are enough to turn otherwise identical producers into monopolistic competitors 這也是一個重新介紹因為區域上的差異將原本是同質性生產者變成獨占性競爭者而造成獨占性競爭的機會。

China could argue that a bhp - rio tinto combination creates a monopolistic entity in the mining industry , but the country has little recourse for addressing such a situation 中國可以說必和必拓與力拓的合并會產生一個礦業壟斷巨頭,但中國在這方面幾乎沒有什么法律依據。

And the market conducts of telecom enterprises have changed greatly . the pricing conduct has developed from the past monopolistic price to the present fierce pricing competition 這些都反映了我國當前的電信改革并不徹底,壟斷尚未完全打破,有效競爭仍然不足。

Further study has been made of concrete expression of monopolistic behavior in intellectual property area . this part provides a theoretical framework for the following analysis 進一步研究了知識產權領域壟斷行為的具體表現形式,為下文分析提供了理論框架。

To improve the future competitive edge of state - owned monopolistic firms in the international market , some monopolistic firms should first open to domestic firms 作者建議部分國有壟斷行業應該率先對內開放,以保證提高這些企業在未來的國際競爭中的競爭能力。

This is also a chance to reintroduce monopolistic competition since locational differences are enough to turn otherwise identical producers into monopolistic competitors 這同時也是再提獨占市場的很好機會,因為區位上的差異足以讓單一生產者成為獨占市場。

Revolution of power market is rumbling along the whole world , which has breathed an air of competition and vigor into the traditional and monopolistic power industry 電力市場化改革正在全世界范圍內風起云涌,給傳統壟斷的電力行業注入了競爭和活力。

With the development of reform in electric power industry , there has been a monopolistic market structure which is controlled by five generation company 隨著我國電力工業市場化改革的發展,目前在發電側已形成五大發電集團寡占的市場格局。

Note that in the examples that follow , it s ok to substitute in your mind the url of some monopolistic software vendor in place of the w3c addresses 了解對手總是好的。理解可能出錯的事情對幫助您評價要使用的任何密碼算法很重要。

Effective economic regulatory arrangements should be in place before government reduces control , particularly in monopolistic activities 政府在放寬(行業)控制之前,尤其是對于自然壟斷性的行業,應先建立有效的經濟監管體系。

This unique and monopolistic advantage ensures the favorable position and profit potential of rccs in rural financial markets 正是這一獨特的帶有壟斷性的競爭優勢,保證了農村信用社在農村金融市場上的有利地位和盈利潛力。

Article 16 the trade association shall not organize the undertakings in the industry to be engaged in monopolistic conducts prohibited by this chapter 第十六條行業協會不得組織本行業的經營者從事本章禁止的壟斷行為。

Article 16 industry association shall not organize the undertakings of its industry to engage in any monopolistic conduct prohibited by chapter ii 第十六條行業協會不得組織本行業的經營者從事本章禁止的壟斷行為。

Is that what east ? the infant is monopolistic should have buy , feel embarrassed ! i also do not know , it is garrulous only . on the west 那是啥東東?嬰幼兒專賣應該都有買吧,不好意思!我也不知道的,只是多嘴。西!

This is a rent - seeking behavior in the market for corporate control induced by the government ' s monopolistic control over financial resources 在公司控制權市場來說,這是由政府壟斷控制資本資源導致的尋租行為。

Scope of aa s business and competition and mechanism to prevent aa from abusing its monopolistic power after privatization 機管局的業務范圍及有關競爭的問題,以及防止機管局在私營化后濫用其壟斷力量的機制;

To safeguard the specialists ' monopolistic claim the non - accessibility of their lore must be institutionally established 為了維護專業者”壟斷的權利,因此其知識的不易取得性必須建立在制度上” 。