
monopolist 短語和例子monopolist , monopolize...


Over 50 years after wwii was a significant period in american socialism development , during which american socialist movement was plunged into great straits because of rampant attack from monopolist capitalists , tortuous development in international communist movement and cpusa immaturity 戰后50多年是美國社會主義發展的一個重要的時期,在這段時間里,由于壟斷資本的猖狂進攻和國際共產主義運動的曲折發展,還由于美共自身發展的不成熟性,使美國的社會主義運動步入了十分艱難的境地。

In the present stage , according to the competition policy of w . t . o . and based on the condition of our country , we should normalize the administrative monopoly step by step in two ways : one is normalizing the behavior of monopoly , the other is prohibiting the administrative monopolist abusing the power of administration 回臼o碩士學位論文wmair ’ sthesis在我國現階段,規制行政壟斷必須以wto競爭政策的具體內容為依據,與國際慣例接軌,同時又必須充分考慮到我國國情,在消除行政壟斷對市場競爭的妨害的同時徹底根除行政壟斷。

Depending on the diversity of utility function of bundling products , the monopolist whether provide the products individually or in a bundle ( bundling usually can average the whole valuation of products in bundle . thus the monopolist can extract more consumer surplus from the demand curve by bundling the products or service . ) 其中,產品/服務的捆綁或是單獨提供取決于客戶對捆綁產品/服務的聯合效用的分布(通常捆綁策略可以降低客戶效用的分散度,從而廠商可以更大限度地獲取消費者剩余) 。

The focus of the thesis lies in an elaboration of the influences exerted upon a listed company ' s profit return by the monopolist position the state - owned shares occupy , by the degree to which share - right is concentrated , and by the division of non - negotiable shares and negotiable shares , as well as of the positive promotion to the company ' s profit return by the system of executives buying - back shares and employees “ share - ownership . based on theoretical analysis and case study , the thesis proposes some measures for optimizing the share - right composition and enhancing the profit return of the listed companies . the conclusion can be summed up as follows : ( 1 ) owing to the absence of real trustor , the unduly long , hence low , efficiency of the agency chain , state - owned shares are prone to being controlled by insiders and to the problem of share - holders “ interests being embezzled by insiders 基本的分析結論可以概括為如下幾點: (一)國有股由于真正的委托人缺位,代理鏈條過長,代理效率低下,容易產生內部人控制,并發生內部人侵占股東利益的問題,法人股在公司治理中的效率明顯優于國有股,因此,如何完善國有資產管理體制是優化股權結構的關鍵,本文提出了完善國有資產管理體制的具體建議; (二)在非流通股與流通股并存的股權分割下,非流通股股東與流通股股東具有不同的目標函數,非流通股股東的目標函數是提高每股凈資產,而流通股的目標函數是股票的二級市場價格,目標函數的不一致,導致股東之間行為的不一致,相互沖突的行為造成效率的損失。

Secondly , the monopolist will study the feature of customer utility function , then he will sort the customers into different groups and develop the product lines , such as the business users with high quality products or service , the home users with low quality products or service 其次,廠商必須認知客戶效用函數的分布特征,然后根據客戶效用函數的具體分布進行市場劃分(市場細分)和產品線的設計,比如針對商業用戶的高端產品/服務、針對個人用戶的家庭產品。

In fact , monopolist ’ s economy behavior pattern is no all like this , after the production put into market , because knowing the demand , they will adjust their sell plans . therefore , this paper mends one - phase pricing model thinking over that before making plan , and then puts forward two - phase pricing model and compares the results of two pricing model 此兩類定價模型本文將其稱為一階段性定價模型,實際上廠商的實際經濟行為模式并非完全如此,產品投入市場之后,由于對需求的了解,必將對原有的銷售計劃進行調整,在制定生產計劃之前就應該考慮到這一點。

Keeping stable increasing of stated - owned economy is required in the early days of china ' s evolutionary reform . there is no enough fund to meet the need , so the government set up simplistic , monopolist financial property right structure under these circumstances in order to support stated - owned economy through providing financial resources 我國漸進式的改革要求在改革初期保持體制內國有經濟的穩定增長,在財政無力向國有經濟注資的情況下,國家建立起單一壟斷性的金融產權結構,給國有經濟以金融資源的支持。

After tracing the original definition of monopoly and its past legacies , the dissertation justifies that the concept of monopoly comes from the unwritten law of england . after several hundreds of years , the concept evolves from a franchise granted by the king to a manifold notions including monopolist , the market structure of monopoly , the monopolistic situation and behaviors and so on 通過壟斷原生意義、壟斷的歷史傳統的研究,展現了壟斷從英國習慣法中產生,經歷幾百年的發展,從特指國王授予的特許權含義,發展為包含壟斷者、壟斷市場結構、壟斷狀態、壟斷行為等多種含義的概念演化歷程。

The paper studies all production pricing decision - making model of monopolist under uncertain demand basing on the pricing decision in uncertain demand inside and outside abroad , and discusses a special pricing model , that is the demand has some random or multiplicative influence , and then puts forward a more run - of - mill common pricing model . the two pricing models we name those as one - phase pricing model 本文以國內外學者對需求不確定情形下的定價決策模型為研究背景,系統研究了在隨機需求情形下廠商產品定價的各種模型,將特殊需求不確定條件下,即需求可以發生隨機繞動及乘性影響情形下的定價模型作了系統論述,并在此基礎上提出了更具有一般性的一般不確定的定價模型。

We all know that copyright systems can be well received and observed only when they are rational monopolist systems , they must be restricted to some extent while the copy right owners have been authorized their rights , or the rights will be obused , at the same time , this is disadvantageous to the fast transmission function of the internet , this will also bring incovennience to the public 我們知道,知識產權制度是一種合法的壟斷制度,但只有在它是符合情理的壟斷制度時,它才能被人們普遍接受并自覺遵守。因此賦予權利人一定權利的同時,也必須加以一定的限制,否則就會導致權利的濫用,同時也不利于網絡迅捷的傳輸功能,給社會公眾的使用帶來不便。

Only after the diversity of customer utility function is known , can the monopolists make the decision of pricing strategies and realize the profits of the relevant strategies , and the best strategy which can make the monopolist maximize the profit will be applied naturally 只有在得知客戶效用的分布特征之后,廠商才可以選擇相應的產品/服務提供策略并且定量測算各種可能定價策略的收益狀況,最后選擇實現收益最大化的定價策略和產品/服務提供方法。

Embedded system is one of the most important parts of information industry ' s economic growth in 21st century , and it cannot be a monopolist industry . today the information industry of china faces the good opportunity for development , but full of challenging at the same time 嵌入式系統是信息產業走向二十一世紀知識經濟時代的最重要的經濟增長點之一,這是一個不可壟斷的工業,對中國的信息產業來說充滿了機遇和挑戰。

In the final part of this paper , following the analysis of part three , we studied the sales promotion behaviors of monopolists under monopolistic situation . our results show that under quality discrimination , monopolists still can get more profit by the implement of sales promotion 本文的第四部分主要是在第三部分的基礎上,對質量歧視下的壟斷促銷行為進行分析,從理論上分析了這些促銷手段的有效性和合理性。

The authors analyzes the effect of the r & d investment of the downstream enterprise on the floating - price contracts and fixed - price contracts through establishing the model of the curnot competition between the upstream monopolist and the downstream enterprises 摘要構建了一個上游企業壟斷、下游兩企業進行古諾競爭的模型,分析在浮動契約和固定契約下,下游企業r & d投入的效應。

At the same times , in the research of discrimination pricing decision , we studies the two - degree and third - degree pricing discrimination decision of monopolist under common uncertain demand and two - phase pricing model 本文同時還對一般不確定條件下對廠商常采用二度價格歧視以及兩階段定價模型基礎上對三度價格歧視作了進一步的研究,針對對三度價格歧視給出了應用實例。

The introduction defines the two terms of telecom and telecom industry used below , and then points out that the existing market structure of china telecom industry is still highly monopolist and need changing 引言中首先對文中使用的電信和電信業這兩個概念作出界定,然后指出中國電信業現有市場格局仍處于高度壟斷之中,亟待改進。

The traditional cost - based pricing strategies ca n ' t be applied in the field of information goods and service , instead the value - based pricing strategies are always adopted by the monopolists to maximize their profits 傳統的基于成本的定價方法已經不適用信息產品/服務領域,廠商必須基于客戶效用進行定價才能夠獲得收益。

Saudi arabia is one of the most important countries in the middle east , and it has always taken the leading role in the oil policy transformation of the international petroleum monopolist opec 作為中東地區重要國家之一,沙特阿拉伯亦是石油輸出國組織(歐佩克)的主要成員,在國際石油市場擁有舉足輕重的地位。

But in general markets are better at directing investment and at finding the right trade - offs between service and price than even the best - intentioned monopolists and their regulators 但一般說來,即使與最善意的壟斷者及其監管者,市場在引導投資,權衡服務與價格方面也會做得更好。