
monoplane n.單翼(飛)機。n.-planist 單翼機飛行員。


Although aircraft designers and engineers continued to employ wing - warping techniques for years afterward ( especially on early monoplanes such as the bleriot xi ) , ever faster flight speeds eventually led them to beef up wing structures to resist the resulting stresses 雖然其后許多年間,飛機設計師和工程師仍繼續采用翹曲機翼設計(尤其是布雷修xi型等早期單翼機) ,但由于飛行速度不斷提升,終于迫使他們加強機翼結構,以承擔所增加的應力。

None of the other p1 - lots present would have thought of going up , but hamel one of the finest of all pilots of the beriot monoplane was not to be stopped 其他在場的飛行員都沒有想到要起飛,但是哈梅爾? ?這個布雷里奧式單翼飛機最優秀的駕駛員之? ? ?是不會被阻攔的。

1909 louis bleriot flew his monoplane across the english channel , in 36 . 5 minutes 路易斯?布萊里奧駕駛他的單翼飛機飛越英吉利海峽花了36 . 5分鐘。

New aviation history is written when his lockheed monoplane . . 當他的洛克希德單翼機輕盈地安全歸來時. .

New aviation history is written when his lockheed monoplane 當他的洛克希德單翼機輕盈地安全歸來時