
monophyletic adj.1.一源的,單種的。2.由同一新型演化的。n.-...


Trifurcatum ought to be kicked out from this sect ; ( 3 ) a monophyletic group of x = 11 species was shown in the its tree ; ( 4 ) a . fasciculatum had a close relationship with x = 11 species ; ( 5 ) a . wallichii and a . macranthum had different evolution processes , their relationship was not so related ; ( 6 ) the sensible components of sect 采用鄰接法( neighborjoiningmethod ) 、非加權配對算術平均法( upgma ) 、最大簡約法( mostparsirnonymethod ) 、最小進化法( mininmmevolutionmethod )和最大似然法( maximumlikelihoodmethod ) ,通過定義和不定義外類群,以及選擇不同數量的外類群對所得的序列數據進行分析,重建了分子系統樹。

The aligned length of 378 base pair ( bp ) partial sequences was available for the c - mos dna . sequences of an additional 11 gekkotan genera retrieved from genbank were also used in the analysis . ( 1 ) gekkota as well as eublepharidae , gekkonidae , pygopodidae , pygopodinae , diplodactylini ( sensu kluge , 1987 ) are monophyletic ; ( 2 ) diplodactylinae and carphodactylini are not monophyletic , and we propose to recognize three families within the pygopodidae sensu kluge ( 1987 ) : pygopodidae , carphodactylidae and diplodactylidae 系統發生分析的結果提示: ( 1 )壁虎類以及瞼虎科、壁虎科、鱗腳虎科、鱗腳虎亞科( pygopodinae )和刺尾虎族( diplodactylini ) ( kluge , 1987 )各自都是單系的; ( 2 )刺尾虎亞科( diplodactylinae )和藁趾虎族( carphodactylini )不是單系? ?的,建議將ki嗆e )的鱗腳虎科改訂為以下三個科:鱗腳虎科( pygopodidae ) ,鼓趾虎科( carphodactylidae )和刺尾虎科( dipl 。

Phylogenetic tree was constructed and displayed that a . platensis fachb341 , a . maxima ouqdsm and a . platensis fachb439 formed the monophyletic linage , which was fully supported by bootstrap values ( 1000 ) , while spirulina fachb440 and anabaena pcc7120 clustered in another linage with the bootstrap value of 909 系統發生分析結果顯示,三個節旋藻品系形成一個小的分支,其自舉值為1000而螺旋藻與魚腥藻聚合為一個類群,自舉值為909 。同時我們以鈍頂節旋藻fachb341m platenstsfachb341 )為材料,克隆了2073hp長的rubisco序列。

Phylogenetic relationships among these haplotypes were inferred from a minimum spanning network , which was constructed by the computer software minispnet , and two phylogenetic reconstructions were determined by using maximum likelihood algorithm incorporated in the phylogenetic inference package ( phylip ) version 3 . 5c and neighbour joining algorithm incorporated in the software molecular evolution genetic analysis ( mega ) version 2 . 0 . all these methods exclusively divided the haplotypes into three monophyletic clades corresponding to china mainland , northern japan , and southern japan populations respectively . in these populations , the china mainland population and the southern japan population have a relatively closer affinity than either of them with the northern japan population 最小跨度網絡圖( minimumspanningnetwork , msn )和基于最大似然法( maximumlikelihood , ml )和鄰接法( neighborjoining , nj )的系統發生分析均把單元型聚類為對應于中國大陸、日本南部和日本北部的三個單系,其中中國大陸和日本南部梅花鹿有相對較近的親緣關系,支持日本梅花鹿的祖先通過至少兩個大陸橋從亞洲遷移到日本的觀點。

3 the comparison of mitochondrial genomes and phylogentic relationships of amphibian there still is a lack of consensus regarding living amphibian phylogenetic relationships . the most widely accepted hypothesis , based on morphological data , supports the monophyletic origin in the late paleozoic ( 300 mya ) of the three living orders in the class amphibia and a sister - group relationship between caudata and anura ( the batrachia hypothesis ) to the exclusion of the gymnophiona 3兩棲類動物的線粒體基因組結構比較和系統發生關系現存兩棲類的三個目的系統發生關系仍然沒有統一意見,最廣泛被接受的假說,是建立在形態學證據基礎上,支持現生的兩棲類三個目在古生代后期( 300mya )單系起源,并且無尾類和有尾類為姐妹群關系(蛙類假說) 。

The chilopoda and diplopoda are monophyletic group respectively . although there are some limitations , the mitochondrial dna as a model system is being used as a powerful tool in phylogeny analysis . it is the only molecular marker that can be used in the phylogenetic studies at genomic level 線粒體dna基因組全序列作為研究動物系統發生的模式系統,雖然有一定的缺陷,但仍是生物學家研究系統進化最有力的工具,它是目前唯一可以提供基因組水平上進行系統發生研究的分子標記。

And supports to the establishment of a separate genus neoeriocheir , but does not provide justification for the recognition of platyeriocheir . the results provided more evidence of the conspecific status of three taxa : e . japonica , e . sinensis and e . hepuensis . the mitten crabs distributed in china and okinawa of japan constitute a monophyletic group sister to e . japonica from osaka of japan suggested that two subspecies of e . japonica : e . j 基于線粒體16srdna部分序列的系統發生分析支持日本絨螫蟹、中華絨螯蟹與合浦絨螯蟹合并為一個物種,即日本絨螯蟹( e . japonica ) ,分布于中國和日本沖繩的絨螯蟹與分布在日本大阪的絨螯蟹構成姊妹群,提示日本絨螯蟹可能包含2個亞種,即日本絨螯蟹指名亞種( e . j . japonica )和中華亞種( e . j . sinensis ) 。

Cytochrome b gene compared with characiforms , cypriniforms and salmoniforms ; ( 2 ) the molecular phylogenetic trees suggest that siluriforms form a monophyletic group and have a close relationship with characiforms ; ( 3 ) the families of pangasiidae , claroteidae , ictaluridae , cranoglanididae , schilbidae and clariidae form a monophyletic group in the three molecular phylogenetic trees . the family bagridae branched with schilbidae which comes from china ; the family akysidae branched with amblycipitidae , but the phylogenetic positions of the families siluridae , sisoridae and pimelodidae are not recognised 魚芒科、棘脂?科、叉尾?科、長臀?科、刀鲇科與胡子鲇科在三種方法構建的分子系統樹中均結合在一起,形成一大單系群; ?科均與來自中國的刀鲇科魚類聚在一起;粒鲇科與鈍頭跪科也均聚在一起;但鲇科、 ?科和油鲇科的系統發育位置不定。

The phylogenetic trees promulgate that : ( a ) est traits significantly differ between different generic taxa and between different species in the same genus , ( b ) similarity degree of est traits between different taxa is not correlative to that of morphological characters . some morphological taxa in traditional classification are not monophyletic group , ( c ) relationship among subfamilies based on est characters is somewhat compatible to intrafamily phylogeny proposed by schuh ( 1976 ) , but it is clear that orthotylinae and phylinae are not directly sister grouped 分析結果表明( 1 )酯酶同工酶酶譜特征在不同屬級單元之間以及同屬的不同種類之間都存在著明顯的差異: ( 2 )不同屬種之間酯酶同工酶特征的相似程度與外部形態特征之間的相似程度不一致性,以外部形態為主要依據的傳統分類的一些屬不是真正的單系群。

The results showed that a . hookeri was a monophyletic group which supported the existence of species of a . hookeri and all the populations of a . hookeri were divided into two groups which were identical with the habitus of withering in the winter and not withering in the winter and highly related to ploidy and habitat ( altitude ) 徹汁韭明顯分為兩大分支,這與寬葉韭的冬季倒茵和冬季不倒苗的兩種生活習性亢全一致,與寬葉韭的倍性和生境(海拔)密切相關。

( 4 ) the molecular phylogenetic trees suggest that bagrid catfishes form a monophyletic group , and the genus mystus is the earliest divergent in east asian bagrid catfishes , as well as the genus pseudobagrus is a monophyletic group but the genus pelteobagrus and leiocassis are complicated ?科構成一單系類群,其中蠖屬為較為特化的屬,擬?屬為一明顯的類群,而黃顙魚屬和?屬關系較為混亂。

The phylogenetic relationship of the mitten crab and other grapsoid crabs suggested that eriocheir is monophyletic , and the estimated divergence time of the mitten crabs with its marine varunid ancestor is about 8 . 9 ~ 10 . 9 mya 淡水蟹類的系統發生研究顯示,華溪蟹屬與仿溪蟹屬起源于一個共同的海生蟹類祖先,二者之間的歧異時間在36 44mya 。

Four monophyletic groups have traditionally been united as myriapoda , namely chilopoda , pauropoda , diplopoda and symphyla . the relationships of myriapods are central to most questions in higher - level arthropod phylogeny 現生的多足動物主要由唇足綱、綜合綱、少足綱和倍足綱四個單系群組成。

Observation on germicidal property of monophyletic preparation of solid chlorine dioxide disinfectant 一種穩定性過氧乙酸消毒性能試驗觀察