
monomorphic adj.1.單型的。2.具有同型(或大體同型)結構的(=...


Where the first timing pass measures code that has been aggressively inlined with monomorphic call transformation , and the second pass measures code that has been subsequently deoptimized due to the jvm loading another class that extends the same base class or interface . when the timing test method is called with an instance of 中所討論的內聯( inlining )和反優化( deoptimization )問題的犧牲品,在這些篇文章中,第一個計時度量的是那些已經與單一調用轉換( monomorphic call transformation )內聯的代碼,而第二個計時所度量的代碼,由于jvm要裝載另一個擴展相同基類或接口的類,因而經過了反優化。

We have tested 6 allozymic systems , they are per , cyt , sod , es , amy and mdh . there are totally 42 allozymic bands with 15 loci of which 12 are polymorphic and 3 are monomorphic 檢測了6個酶系統,它們是:過氧化物酶、細胞色素氧化酶、超氧化物歧化酶、酯酶、淀粉酶、蘋果酸脫氫酶。

The test was susceptible to errors induced by monomorphic call transformation and subsequent deoptimization 測試容易受到由單一調用轉換引起的錯誤以及隨后的反優化的影響。

Cyphotilapia frontosa is a monomorphic species with little or no difference between males and females 皇冠六間是一屬一種的種類,無其他分支。